I love you guys but your music taste is quite the opposite of mine. I love Ayreon, 01011001 was an amazing album for me.
Yes, it's cheese-empire but damn it's Ayreon... The songs are just too good. Highest quality transcending both discs.
My other picks consist of considerably big and huge act for the first time in some years. That's just the way it is...
Personal album of the year: Warrel Dane - Praises To The War Machine...
I must admit, I had some doubts about this. Not about Warrel, but the other guys he was writing/recording with. Simply because acts like Soilwork or Himsa are the epitome of boredom IMO.
But they pulled off a great platform for Warrel to showcase his incredible ability to construct and perform melodies, that grab you on so many emotional levels. Solid riffing, but all eyes on the vocal performance...
This record makes sense. Because it's so considerably different from Nevermore, without sounding like they were trying to be different just for the sake of it.
The original compositions are ace ("Let You Down" being the only track I could live without) and the covers put even the originals to shame ("Patterns" sounds as honest as if Warrel had written it on his own).
If anything, this record made me realize even more how important WD is for the whole Nevermore package. He makes it, or breaks it...