Total Guitar Alexi & Roope Q&A

I asked a question about hos intellifex, regarding model and preset(s). Somebody else should ask about the rumors about using engl preamp on this tour.
If I would ever ask anything, it would definitely a question concerning some song parts I can't figure out or where I'm not sure about the right notes. That's all. Oh and maybe I would ask Alexi which solos he had split to record them and which he had recorded in one track. And why he isn't able to play his own solos half as good as they are on the studio versions live. But this could propably be answered in the previous question.
If I would ever ask anything, it would definitely a question concerning some song parts I can't figure out or where I'm not sure about the right notes. That's all. Oh and maybe I would ask Alexi which solos he had split to record them and which he had recorded in one track. And why he isn't able to play his own solos half as good as they are on the studio versions live. But this could propably be answered in the previous question.

Most of his solos are split, there's no way he plays them 100% in the studio all in one take, hence how bloody difficult they are!!
I'd like to know if Alexi wasn't allowed to use the V shape guitars he's been using all these years, what kind of guitar would he use in COB.

I sent the question.
Most of his solos are split, there's no way he plays them 100% in the studio all in one take, hence how bloody difficult they are!!

I can't tell if you are being serious, but if you are I don't think it is very difficult to get a good solo in one take (after all, he has unlimited attempts to get the right take). Maybe it would be easier to split a solo into smaller sections, but most professionals do it in one go...
Matt Hyde did say that the things that take others hundreds of tries, Alexi does in 5 or 6 attempts. Now maybe he can record the whole solo in an entire take, but I don't think it'd happen in 5 or 6 attempts.
I remember Alexi describing the recording of solos for AYDY, he was talking about WNGF solo in particular, how he couldn't get it nailed and got frustrated and needed to go for a smoke to calm down, that could imply he records them without splitting, but dunno. It doesn't surprise he can't pull them off perfect always in live situation when he needs to concentrate even in studio like I concentrated on Nintendo when I was seven.
Most of his solos are split, there's no way he plays them 100% in the studio all in one take, hence how bloody difficult they are!!

Yes, I really think that a lot of his solos are split but I would really like to know which.

I can't tell if you are being serious, but if you are I don't think it is very difficult to get a good solo in one take (after all, he has unlimited attempts to get the right take). Maybe it would be easier to split a solo into smaller sections, but most professionals do it in one go...

A lot of really good musicians split solos because they want it to sound perfect. I would do the same thing. And you can easily hear it in a few solos when they are split. Some solos got a different balance, some use different effects, some different volume and some overlapp. In this guitar heroes video you can see - as an example - that Alexi split the sioux city solo.

Just a few solos (or one from each album) where I know (or definitely think) that they are split:

Something Wild: TLAOD

Hatebreeder: Warheart

Follow The Reaper: ETID



BD: uhm, ok. can't remember all solos

What's the point in trying to play a solo on one take anyway? On album it's just supposed to sound good, live you can show how well you can play it on one take.
The only reason I can think an artist may want to nail a solo in 1 take is if they are on a budget and need to get in and out of the studio, but no bigger band should really have to worry about that.
I dont understand why Alexi plays so much worse live. Everyone says omg omg its live and its hot and crazy and theres all these fans blah blah. Fuck that, have you guys ever played live? If you have then you know its EASIER to get that solo sounding badass, there are all these people pumping you up, you're hands are nice and warm, your amp is cranked and sounding great and if thats not enough everythign is so loud and chaotic you can get away with more string noise.
I dont understand why Alexi plays so much worse live. Everyone says omg omg its live and its hot and crazy and theres all these fans blah blah. Fuck that, have you guys ever played live? If you have then you know its EASIER to get that solo sounding badass, there are all these people pumping you up, you're hands are nice and warm, your amp is cranked and sounding great and if thats not enough everythign is so loud and chaotic you can get away with more string noise.

I have played live, and I don't really understand why Alexi plays (or used to play, haven't seen them in years) so much worse live either. IMO the only difference is playing while standing vs. playing while sitting. All that stuff like you're exhausted, all the fans are looking, your guitar is at wrong altitude etc. shouldn't mean anything to someone who's played thousands of live shows. My guess would be, that COB plays so many shows nowadays, Alexi doesn't care about playing perfect anymore and doesn't pay too much attention to playing, and is just having good time on stage. Or something.
This is what I think too. On the other hand Alexis playing last year was great! KTS and other solos weren't any problem for him to play without any mistakes. He should definitely change a bit of his new coolness with concentration.
I saw CoB live a week ago, and Alexi only made a couple of small mistakes, which most people wouldn't even hear. I think that the sloppy playing only was something temporary, I dont know if he played so bad because of his own lazyness or because of the heavy drinking, but it does seem that now he's taking it easier on the booze, his live performances are getting better.