[TOUR] DragonForce + Turisas World Tour: UK/IE

fucking HATE DF ive seen them live about 5 times, the last time was actually at the UEA in norwich lol. they pissed about so much, i had a song ages ago from the gig and the guitarists were so flat it was unbelievable.

i will be going to this gig but but only for Turisas. shall be going to the Student bar after Turisas
fucking HATE DF ive seen them live about 5 times, the last time was actually at the UEA in norwich lol. they pissed about so much, i had a song ages ago from the gig and the guitarists were so flat it was unbelievable.

You hate them, yet you've seen them five times? wheres the sense in that?
or is it just more proof that norwich is crap
because once aupon i time i actually liked them. i saw them supporting WASP (all 3 songs of theyre set) at the Waterfront, then they came back to the waterfront, i saw them twice at festivals and then i went to the UEA about 2 years ago, its since that crap UEA gig (not the UEA fault but DF's) that ive become uninterested. hence why ill only be watching Turisas
you should know by now to take what i say with a pinch of salt. i love dragonforce. fact. therefore in my opinion, any opinion that does not relate to them being amazing is clearly wrong. therefore you are wrong. however.... i also talk a lot of rubbish half the time, obviously everybody is entitled to their opinion and we're all united in out love of Turisas so all is well with the world (I swear i've said this before...)
and again with the insults! i've just been telling my mate why UM is my favourite forum because it hasn't got any of the bitching that goes on in other forums.... and it starts up again!

so back on topic, are you coming to a gig? (i'm assuming you're a turisas fan, being on this forum, therefore are you going to see them regardless of your feelings on dragonforce)
I'll be at the Cardiff gig. Nothing quite like a hundred-mile drive home with work the next morning!

I'm not really a huge fan of Dragonforce on cd but I've seen them play Download the last two years and they were pretty good fun, so it should be a damn fine night!
Even if I have to stay sober. :rolleyes:
ah you've gotta love the epic quest back home after gigs... after both southampton and norwich i've got 4 hour drives to get home... and work the next morning :( but the gigs will be well worth it.

if you enjoyed DF at download, you'll love them at their own gigs, they're so much better!
:eek: 4 hours? And I thought my 2 and-a-half hour drive was a bit much!
Still, at least the roads are quiet that time of night. Nearly ran over a fox last time I did it, but that was about as hectic as it got.
yeah, it's been a while since i've done it but hopefully it'll be fine, and hey, the bands are worth it! hehe

ouch, almost hitting fox's isn't a good idea. last gig i went to that was a distance away was wolverhampton, 125 mile drive home, i put sat nav on.... sat nav refuses to take me on the motorway, so i ignore it. the next day i tried to figure out why it fell out with the M6... turns out it had managed to alter the settings so instead of driving a car... i was riding a bicycle.... sometimes i hate technology
the next day i tried to figure out why it fell out with the M6... turns out it had managed to alter the settings so instead of driving a car... i was riding a bicycle.... sometimes i hate technology

hahahaha yes, epic fail indeed.

although bonus points to me that i figured it out pretty quickly so could shoot onto the m6 instead of driving 125 miles on 30mph roads...

but i guess this is what we get for travelling by car and not by longboat...