touring : 2nd guitar goes to...

andrea odendahl wouldn't fit....she is great but i saw her on the pain dvd and i didn't like peter surrounded by andrea and the female bass player. there is no headbanging at all on the dvd... she would fit even less into hypocrisy.
Strange for certain people, but for me the mix with laiho is an exciting combo. I mean, I like the fact Peter doesn't care about what people think of it. He's friend with Laiho, and I imagine the idea came one night when they got drunk at a party together. And this tour is the occasion. He, of course, knows it would have made such a polemic, and he doesn't care, because he's sure of the result. People always think laiho = a stupid old teenager that will steal the show. Of course he certainly counts on the fact it will bring COB fanboys to make more people in the crowd, but that is certainly his 47th priority for that choice. He certainly just wanna tour with him particularly. I'm sure he will have his own place in the band for that tour, adding his own touch, without colouring the overall sound too much.

COB a stupid fanboy band ? I don't agree, I mean, I started to like cob when I started to get it as a "rock n roll" band. Id est : take it easy. The mix of laiho with my favourite band of all time will be strange or even odd, but I like the idea. I thought it was a joke opening the thread, I even laughed. But thinking of it, I now realise it's fun. And too bad for those who think "it's not uber cool to look true DM-ish". As a band, I wouldn't even care. You like a band or not, you don't want it to be DM. Open mind, please

I'm in Europe and I would really love to see once in my life such a combo that may never happen again
Strange for certain people, but for me the mix with laiho is an exciting combo. I mean, I like the fact Peter doesn't care about what people think of it. He's friend with Laiho, and I imagine the idea came one night when they got drunk at a party together. And this tour is the occasion. He, of course, knows it would have made such a polemic, and he doesn't care, because he's sure of the result. People always think laiho = a stupid old teenager that will steal the show. Of course he certainly counts on the fact it will bring COB fanboys to make more people in the crowd, but that is certainly his 47th priority for that choice. He certainly just wanna tour with him particularly. I'm sure he will have his own place in the band for that tour, adding his own touch, without colouring the overall sound too much.

COB a stupid fanboy band ? I don't agree, I mean, I started to like cob when I started to get it as a "rock n roll" band. Id est : take it easy. The mix of laiho with my favourite band of all time will be strange or even odd, but I like the idea. I thought it was a joke opening the thread, I even laughed. But thinking of it, I now realise it's fun. And too bad for those who think "it's not uber cool to look true DM-ish". As a band, I wouldn't even care. You like a band or not, you don't want it to be DM. Open mind, please

I'm in Europe and I would really love to see once in my life such a combo that may never happen again

Agreed on all points. I doubt Peter (or anyone else in the band) even gives a fuck if anyone here disapproves.

Besides, as much as you can love a certain band in their music, and music in general, it's still just music and nothing to froth at the mouth and lose your shit over. There's no possible way he could "ruin" anything. What's more is that it's people with attitudes like this that are just as obnoxious as the ignorant little teenybopper kids who are all about Bodom.

In any case, it's not as if Hypocrisy are all that underground and "true" anymore anyway, even if they are still amazing. But this just goes to show you that love/fanboyism is blind.

Fanaticism goes both ways, you know.
I think it's interesting to see Laiho playing in Hypocrisy. But on the other hand I understand the reactions of Hypocrisy fans. I just think CoB fans don't need to prove anything to them, *cough* Joonas *cough*.

Agreed on all points. I doubt Peter (or anyone else in the band) even gives a fuck if anyone here disapproves.

So? It doesn't mean anything. I think the band should think about their fans too. Although I understand that he doesn't give a shit on this case.

In any case, it's not as if Hypocrisy are all that underground and "true" anymore anyway, even if they are still amazing. But this just goes to show you that love/fanboyism is blind.

It's strange to hear this from total alexifanboi.

Fanaticism goes both ways, you know.

Yeah right. :lol:
Haha, I was checking out the COB forum, just to see what they think about Alexi playing, and I came across this:
I made a lengthy moderate post over there a clock'round ago but I'm not putting my hands in this shit any more. I think you're dealing with a bunch of little satanists who believe Hypocrisy is so special that Alexi playing guitar for them (which is his true element instead of the singing & show leading which just had to be done by someone) will "stain" Hypocrisy's image and prevent them becoming something big again. What a bunch of poseurs. Uu I'm evil, COB is gay.
Apparently we're all satanic COB haters. Good to know. :p
hahahaha... i don't know what to say...

but i rather be a "little satanist" and "poseur" than that kind of fucking idiot...