Travel thread (discuss all things travel related)

sure, forgot about that. My sister has gone there, and had only good things to say.

to add to the list of places to go,
perhaps some random generic tropical islands
and I'd like to visit the Seyschelles, or however you call it. My brother was born there.
hm... let's see...

USA: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maine, Virginia, West Virginia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington, D.C.

Canada: Ontario and Quebec

Europe: Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Spain, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Ireland

Of all the places I visited so far, I found Barcelona most impressive.
europe:germany,austria,slovenia,hungary,spain,italy,czeck rp.,england, turkey, france, ..think that's about it...