Travel thread (discuss all things travel related)

A Trace Of Blood said:
Are you fluent in Russian? Is it really very dangerous for someone like me to travel to Moscow alone? Is the Visa hard/expensive to acquire to go to Russia? k thx :)

I speak Russian fluently but I developed an accent during these seven years I live outside Russia…

I don’t think it’s dangerous for you to go alone, at list not more dangerous than to any other city as big as Moscow.

I last went to Russia about a year ago and I had to get a visa. I paid something like 50 € I think and I had to have some document from my aunt that I’m going to be staying at her place. That probably means you need to have some document from hotel or hostel or whatever. The rules might have changed though.

And my advice: If you go through with getting the visa and stuff visit Sankt-Peterburg as well. Moscow is my favorite place to be but S-P is also beautiful
I visited Jordan 2 or 3 times 12-13 years ago. I went up and down in Italy and then nothing :(
€50 isn't too bad then. How much was your flight? If I go I will be staying with a friend so he can write me the invite letter or whatever it is.

perniciosa said:
I speak Russian fluently but I developed an accent during these seven years I live outside Russia…

I don’t think it’s dangerous for you to go alone, at list not more dangerous than to any other city as big as Moscow.

I last went to Russia about a year ago and I had to get a visa. I paid something like 50 € I think and I had to have some document from my aunt that I’m going to be staying at her place. That probably means you need to have some document from hotel or hostel or whatever. The rules might have changed though.

And my advice: If you go through with getting the visa and stuff visit Sankt-Peterburg as well. Moscow is my favorite place to be but S-P is also beautiful
derek said:
Moscow is beautiful, certainly more dynamic.

St Petersburg was strangely deserted when I visited, desolate even.

How did you get along in Moscow being an English speaker? Were people very rude to you? Or do you speak Russian?
so i've been to
LA, Las vegas, going to hawaii or british columbia this xmas and in many places in wa state
Italy (rome, venice, florence, around there)
England (london and cambridge, i was 5 so i don't remember shit)
all over romania
going to japan this summer.
A Trace Of Blood said:
How did you get along in Moscow being an English speaker? Were people very rude to you? Or do you speak Russian?

I have an old friend from highschool that speaks moderate Russian, but the people were generally fine with me. I encountered no complete bastards whatsoever.
It's a big country, and alot of people have different impressions of it.

As I said, I was suprised at Moscow being so dynamic and St Pete's being so desolate.

It's more than worth visiting for the history alone. Be sure to check out Lenin, if his red-haired corpse is open for viewing. They used to keep Stalin embalmed up in there too, until...whups, it became clear he had a fondness for genocide. So they buried him in the Kremlin. :)
Moscow is beautiful, certainly more dynamic.

St Petersburg was strangely deserted when I visited, desolate even.

I like Moscow more too, it is my favorite place to be, but I found S.P. pretty dynamic too but differently. It probably depends on what time of the year you visit it or something. Both Moscow and S.P. are worth visiting. I also think that both cities are absolutelly different from Russia itself (kind of a country inside a country if you know what I mean)

A Trace Of Blood said:
Were people very rude to you?
Peopla in general are the same everywhere really. Why would you think that they would be more rude to you in Russia?
Oh, in that case they'll probably cook you and serve you with one apple in yoor mouth and one up your ass...
Seriously if you won't be explaining everyone that America is so much more superior than Russia and you won't be walking around the Red Square carrying a huge american flag or urinate over Lenin's corpse noone will be rude to you. I think you'll be all right...
I like Moscow more too, it is my favorite place to be, but I found S.P. pretty dynamic too but differently. It probably depends on what time of the year you visit it or something. Both Moscow and S.P. are worth visiting. I also think that both cities are absolutely different from Russia itself (kind of a country inside a country if you know what I mean)

I know EXACTLY what you mean! :)

Russia is SO damn expansive that it feels different no matter where you go. Moscow and S.P just happen to be the most interesting places to visit, for the regular traveller. Moscow especially stole my heart and would not give it back. The problems of post-Soviet Russia aside, Moscow is captivating, beautiful and stimulating.
well, lets see..

Russia (St. Petersburg, lived there for a while)
Italy (Rome)
England (London)
China! (currently living in Chengdu, and various places in the Sichuan Province + Tibet. Mt. Everest is amazing.)

From when I was an infant to age 7, I basically have been in all the other countries in Europe, besides the southeastern ones I believe.

Where to go next I don't know, but I'd probably want to visit Canada or those damn yanks. Japan is on the list too. And the rest of the UK : O