Originally Posted by Question
Some overdrive pedals I have tried in the past seem to blend their sound 'in parallel' to the clean, unaffected signal, which makes my tone 'fartier'. Other pedals seem to alter the signal wholesale, which makes my tone grittier. Which way does the [insert TS model here] work?
The Tube Screamer does not blend in a clean signal – this is something that would be done for an overdrive used on its own, for a more 'natural' sound, but it's unnecessary (and possibly detrimental, if you really need the tightening) in the context of making a high-gain amp more manageable.
Yeah on its own my Maxon OD9 on the clean channel of my dual recto does this, but if I boost the tone on the pedal this effect disappears.. strange enough it disappears just when I boost the tone.
On the dirty channel of my dual this doesn't happen