tuning down to c


As many of my fav. bands use this tuning, I want to tune my guitar down to C, but as I am very new to guitar(I've been playing since 4 months), I have problems with it. First, I know I have to get a new set of strings and I think 11s. So how to ask for them in the shop? Should I just walk in and say I want a new set of strings, 11s? :)

Then my second problem is I dont have a tuner. I use the computer program Guitar FX-Box 2.6's tuner to tune my guitar. It allows to tune to alternate tunings, but you have to select the notes of strings seperately.
C,F,A#,D#,G,C(btw which c is 6th string) now these should be the notes. But in the drop-down menus of this program, there are extra combinations with numbers like C1, C2, A#1. What should I select in these drop-down menus? If you guys are not familiar with this program, can you recommend me another one, so that I can tune my guitar to C.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
commandante said:
First, I know I have to get a new set of strings and I think 11s. So how to ask for them in the shop? Should I just walk in and say I want a new set of strings, 11s? :)
11s should be fine for C, I used 10s for about a year in C# and they were ok (I just made the move to 11s myself, and I wish I'd done it sooner now ;)). You should just be able to ask for a pack of 11s in the shop, if they want to know the range (they may have many different packs), then try 11-48. If you want to be armed to cover all possible questions, then the strings I use are: 11, 14, 18, 28, 38, 48. So, you have 3 options there, but asking for 11s should be enough info for them ;)

commandante said:
C,F,A#,D#,G,C(btw which c is 6th string) now these should be the notes.
if you're asking which string becomes what, it's like this:
E (bass) = C, A = F, D = A#, G = D#, B = G, E (high) = C
commandante said:
But in the drop-down menus of this program, there are extra combinations with numbers like C1, C2, A#1. What should I select in these drop-down menus?
I have no idea about the program, but if you can just select the pitch of individual notes, then give that a try
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yourdeadgroom you are my god!
first the bloodbath tabs and then this! Thank you!
so any tips for Guitar FX-BOX or another software tuner?
get guitar pro 4 (even the demo). it has an inbuilt chromatic tuner that you can set to the notes of the guitar track you are currently doing.
The number in C1 and C2 is referring to which octave it's in. It's a standard way used throughout all midi programs I've seen. Each octave goes from C; so the next note after B2 is C3, for example.

Anyway, you'll want:

But you still should be able to tune alright no matter what you choose. I think selecting C2 would still tune a C1 note alright.

You don't really need to tune like that though, you could also considering tuning like (which is how i tune):
It's drop-D tuning, down a tone. :)
YaYo said:
The number in C1 and C2 is referring to which octave it's in. It's a standard way used throughout all midi programs I've seen. Each octave goes from C; so the next note after B2 is C3, for example.

Anyway, you'll want:

But you still should be able to tune alright no matter what you choose. I think selecting C2 would still tune a C1 note alright.

You don't really need to tune like that though, you could also considering tuning like (which is how i tune):
It's drop-D tuning, down a tone. :)
in guitar pro, it has C as

c3, f3, a#3, d#4, g4, c5
hmm, ok. well yeh that's probably right ;)
I just used cubase sx and clicked the notes that were the same pitch as my guitar, C1 was the same as my low C. C3 seems too high though, middle C on a piano is C2 or 3 at most. Maybe the system is standard, but where to begin numbering from isn't. Who knows.
Yeah, I can play fine, but I can't do shit on my friends guitars (somewhat lighter guages hehe). I'm thinking of going back down soon though, just to see what happens to my (shitty) guitar.
I've been writing some music in DADGAD tuning lately, it's pretty catchy. I tried the whole C tuning a few years ago when I really got into In Flames. DADGAD is pretty addictive though, a much more mellow mood, and sometimes *creepy*. I guess it's really good for stoner metal :)...

Still, the evilest song I've ever written is in standard tuning, and not some dropped tuning. There's something that standard tuning offers that still allows you to go just crazy with evil riffs, I like messing with pyramids and diagonals myself, and I find that messing with the chords I play at different rhythms actually makes things a lot more interesting than just detuning my guitar really low with thick strings.

And I play with 10's, but I'm gonna go get myself some 11's tomorrow...
DADGAD = monkey tuning, everything is easy to play and it sounds cool too. :)

Down-tuning to subatomic levels has got to be the most cliche element in metal. It's the RIFF that makes it heavy, not the tuning.
c3, f3, a#3, d#4, g4, c5
ok I bought myself a new set of strings, that was easy. :) Then I tuned down to the notes above. My problem is that there is too much space between the strings and the fretboard. Is that a common problem should I get used to it?
Or should I tune to different octaves like:

Thanks to everybody who posted on this topic, I appreciate it.
Change your action, adjust your bridge to make the strings sit closer to the neck. Also, check in the Musician's Discussion forum, several threads on how to change your action.
Hearse said:
Downtuning is overappreciated.
I always keep my guitar on normal E tune, whatfor the guitar was invented in the first place. :p
best strings for E tune is 46-09
hm yea i dont think concert pitch was invented when the guitar was invented.

anyway i think tuning is more of a personal taste thing. i hate tuning to E with 9s. for one, the strings break so easily. two, bends are harder to do and the strings offer more resistance when soloing.. so it doesnt flow as smoothly.

personally i like D... string gauge i use are 10s but i havent really tried anything lower. in D everything is just easier.

the only advantage to using E is it is crunchier. the lower you tune the muddier the sound gets.
I like tuning to C, as long as EVERY riff isnt based off the notes going that low. In some cases in unthroned i guess it is, but in many riffs we simply don't use those really low notes and then only use them for effect. I like to at least have the option of those lower few notes :)