TV Shows

i haven't watched BB, but watching Saul...
the whole "the Walking Dead" thing is just damn embarassing... i mean i only watch it to see how they are gonna finish this pile of shit, but it gets more rediculous with each episode, i can write a book on fuck ups of this show..
I've never watched the show, mostly because it's hard to keep two continuities in one's head at the same time. Sort of like the normal Marvel universe vs. the Ultimate universe (remember that?). Same with Game Of Thrones, though what I've seen of the show kicked ass.

We're nerds.
We are, indeed. But apparently that's the cool thing now?

And it looks like with the Marvel Universe revamp they're going to turn the comics into the Cinematic Universe anyhow..
I don't really keep up with comics anymore, other than TWD and some of the stuff Vertigo puts out.

Oh yeah. Gaiman's new miniseries Sandman: Overture -- RULES HARD!

Yevgeny Zamyatin – We –
Karel Căpek – R.U.R. –
C.S. Lewis – That Hideous Strength
Samuel Beckett – Endgame
Angela Carter – Passion of the New Eve

It's a dystopian centered course and we're on the Carter book now. About a third through that one and it seems real interesting, but not a fan of the rest except RUR/Endgame at a small level.
Beckett makes me want to kill myself.
Lewis is Christian so fuck that shit
The rest I've never heard of
I didn't mind Beckett there, it was a quick-easy read too. Unlike Lewis and We, long as shit and dense with doo-doo.

RUR is just a dystopian robot vs. human text from a Czechoslovakian following the first world war. Short play like Beckett, but not great or bad, just OK.
Yevgeny Zamyatin – We –
Karel Căpek – R.U.R. –
C.S. Lewis – That Hideous Strength
Samuel Beckett – Endgame
Angela Carter – Passion of the New Eve

It's a dystopian centered course and we're on the Carter book now. About a third through that one and it seems real interesting, but not a fan of the rest except RUR/Endgame at a small level.
You thought "We" was lame? I think it's a little bit overrated, but the idea is great... I mean it's old and known but it repeats itself constantly, look at Russia.