TV Shows

i will keep netflix just for narcos, and the marvel shows, but yeah, they definitely have some pure shit.

Amazon is solid. I need to check out Hulu.

Into the Badlands was great stuff. started The Expanse based on some coworker recommendations. Less than impressed.
Narcos is phenomenal. Betwixt that and Stranger Things being the only shows I watch I couldnt justify the cost. Only other things worth watching are scant nature shows, an occasional doc, or forensic science shit that comes on free tv. I think they removed all the good Ken Burns shit last time I checked.

Amazon has as much if not a larger catalogue. Interface is ass comparitvely speaking, but ye can use a website like to vet through flicks available.
American Gods. I don't have cable so I signed up for a free trial of Direct TV Now so I could watch my Preds lose the Stanley Cup Finals. I also got STARZ in the bundle and am enjoying this weird show. Imma get it after the trial ends next week. It's only $8 a month
Finished Vikings s4. Lots of main character deaths. Not sure the sons of ragnar can carry the show for s5, but we'll see
New Twin Peaks is a Lynchian nightmare in the best way possible.

Fargo killing it as usual.

I guess I also have to watch GoT too. GRRM is dead to me, making me have to watch this Hollywood garbage...
started Animal Kingdom. Not bad at all. Violence, lots of hot chick butts, drug use, surfing and extreme sport type shit, and very little plot so far....its beautiful.
Never heard of it.

I heard Twin Peaks sucks. I haven't even started it though because I never finished the first two seasons.

I finished Bloodline last night.
Lots of side boob

Kind of a Point Break type of show. Bunch of "brothers" do robbery jobs with an aged, kinda hot Ellen Barkin running the family. They do skydiving, surfing, lots of fights, tons of drugs, sex, etc.
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I heard Twin Peaks sucks. I haven't even started it though because I never finished the first two seasons.

man it's so much worse so far than the first two seasons...even those bad 10-12 episodes in the 2nd season are better than what he made this time around.

We're 5 episodes in and Cooper still can't talk or function. It's ridiculous
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Be patient, Lynch described this season as basically one long movie, which makes sense considering not many movies jump straight into the exciting parts.

If you think about it in that way, this is all just the build up.

It better fucking hurry up soon though, it's pissing me off too.
I find the first two seasons questionable. There are some episodes where I just want to fast forward because they're so bad. The chicks though....awesome. I loved Madchen Amick back then and I still do.
They showed her for a little bit in this one. So far the only one who's aged well. Haven't shown hotel gal or james gal.

Think you're making a huge leap though cig, no need for action but anything resembling what made the show awesome would be nice. Instead it's just goofy, maybe hipster goofy
Think you're making a huge leap though cig, no need for action but anything resembling what made the show awesome would be nice. Instead it's just goofy, maybe hipster goofy

I don't disagree with you, I think I'm just holding on to any fucking hope that this new season will actually be good eventually. :lol:
No never, actually I wouldn't mind some recommendations for good shows. The only recent thing I've been watching besides Twin Peaks is Daredevil.

Just picked up the second season DVD of Daredevil which I'm itching to watch (I love The Punisher) and I plan soon to buy the whole Mad Men series.
oh Inland is a movie that is almost a copy of Mulholland it's just Lynch on an acid trip...for I think no reason. Leftovers and first season of True Detective are the only recent TV off memory worth watching. Leftovers just finished so worth the binge imo