
Originally posted by speakinstone

or maybe you should get another tv, so you'd watch telly from one and play games with another. works.
I would but there isn't any more space in my room. Especially after my new purchase- Microsoft XBox. So from tomorrow on I can spend time with DVD's also.
Originally posted by speakinstone
and couple more heads..
I don't want any more heads. The main purpose of all my equipment is not to entertain but prevent losing my mind by thinking about breaking a vain in my brain. I can't stand silence.

ps. The purpose of this babble is to win the Worst Psycho of the Antimatter Forum -award.
Originally posted by speakinstone
heyy..that makes four words then.. i think i told you about 'zwei' und(!!) 'bier' i've i feel i'm gettin such a germanspeaker..! :grin:

i have no idea how it's spelled and i only heard it from a friend who speaks german: "teifer"? something like that? means something like "deeper"? lol
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Do I remember right you're gonna visit also Lapland during your Finland-trip next year?

Yep. I´m gonna fly to the north and then travel for about two weeks all the way down to Helsinki. After that I´m going to Lahti to visit the Entwine guys :grin: also I´m gonna visit Naantali with them :)
Originally posted by Bambi
Lapland is a lap dancing club over here...probably more interesting than snow and a bunch of raindeer

Don´t say you wouldn´t like to see one of those in nature... :lol:
heyy I posted something about the only place I wanted to see a reindeer was on my dinner plate...did some goddamn vegetarian mod delte it or am I just hallucinating (again)??