Tymaster T-Diddy reviews "We've Come For You All"


Whoa! Here it is, the only review that ever mattered, the only review you've been waiting to read.:rolleyes: I'm telling you, I got an "A-" in Journalism 133 at the Scripps School of Journalism, this qualifies me.:err: Anyway...........

This is it, this sounds like Anthrax's masterpiece. Any references to other bands aren't meant to say Anthrax ripped anyone off, it is just that, a frame of reference. This album sounds like Anthrax, and definitely needs to be listened to as a whole album. Listened to in pieces (like w/ the promo and other singles that have surfaced) you have 12 pieces of fruit, but you don't have fruit salad, to use a cheesy analogy. But these songs all need to be listened to in the context of where they fit into this epic album. That is not to say that these tracks do not/ can not stand alone. They indeed can...read on

Acoustic, think of "Kawias" (sic) from the Sep's. Even though it's acoustic, it sort of sets you up for the brutality that is about to come for you all.

"What Doesn't Die" this song may be the heaviest of the abum. I've heard it compared to "Disciple" from Slayer, and I think, yes the solo sounds very Kerry King/Jeff Hanemann esque, and also, this song seems to set up the album well. You could also say it's similar to "Hellbound" from Pantera in that regard.

"SafeHome" this 'single' keeps growing on me. It reminds me of Rocket From the Crypt meets Cheap Trick.

"Taking the Music Back" I love this one. Catchy arena rock anthem from Anthrax, who'd have thunk it. The riff does sound like classic Crue, the hook is more Anthrax, and the course, well, it sounds like The Who, because it has Daltrey. This song is a gem! Bush sounds killer here.

"Refuse to be Denied" we've covered this one enough haven't we

"Anyplace but Here" "Belly of the Beast" meets "Den of Thieves" this song is ambient like Brent said, I think it is almost sublime (not the band you doof) This is one you may not like initially, but it will grow.

"Nobody Knows Anything" Charlie's fills are crazy, the riff is cool, and it has some cool sound effects right out of left field. Nice song to sing along to as well. I hope it is part of the live set.

"Strap It On" this one is different, the chorus rules, this one reminds me of Priest for sure. Lyrically, I love the them of this one, it goes hand in hand w/ "Taking the Music Back." You can tell who does the solo w/out any question too!!!! :cool:

"Black Dahlia" Once again, Bush vox are great! Anselmo eat your heart out. The part before the course was definitely inspired by Dimmu Borgir! Great song.

"Cadillac Rock Box" this fucking song is just stellar. This is the one that you want to crank up to 11 in your car stereo w/ a 24oz coldie in your lap and a cigar hanging out of your mouth. The hook Chas came up with here is killer, and you feel like Bush is chilling out at your side as he deals out the lyrics. Dime's answering machine message is pretty groovy and sets up the tune well. Dime's solo sounds like Dime, so ya know it's a 11 on a 10 scale.

"Superhero" everyone knows this one

"Think About an End" Tom Morrello riff thru and thru. One of the album's best. Chorus that you will not forget even if you try. Great Maiden twin guitar solo at the end, and a Pantera style riff moment.

"Crash" if that is not Frankie, I know nothing about Anthrax. This intro is cool, very eerie.

"We've Come For You All" Twisted Sister made better. Better vox, better musicianship. This definitely sounds like something from "Come out and Play" though.

I think this album may overrall be the best the band has ever done. I say that with confidence that I will say the same thing 10 years from now. Sadly, I think this album may be 10 years too late in getting released.
glad u like it man,evryone has been pretty positive about new record so its a good sign,lets just hope for some good package tours,besides hoping the kiss thing eventuates who would u like to co headline with thrax???,sure i would love them headlining but co headline seems a good way to go???
All these reviews are making me salivate !! I'm proud to say that the only time I've ever heard Superhero is live !!! Bush up in my face at the front of pit gruffing out his lyrics with those veins popping out of his sweaty fucking head.
The only thing I'd argue is that Superhero quote. Nobody knows this one from the live bootleg. It's way too different. And it kicks ass. Superhero is probably my most favourite song, along with Cadillac Rock Box and Any Place But Here.
Originally posted by johnnieCzech
The only thing I'd argue is that Superhero quote. Nobody knows this one from the live bootleg. It's way too different. And it kicks ass. Superhero is probably my most favourite song, along with Cadillac Rock Box and Any Place But Here.

Johnnie, Superhero has been getting some airplay on radio and has been widely circulating, so I think more people know it than any others ('cept "SafeHome")
TD... One thing missing in the band comparaisons... I think that Crah really sounds like a Pink Floyd mini-tune... Definitely PF vibe in it... Made me instantly think about The Wall.

I think this record is mainly a "nod" to all of the band's influences... But it's all pure 100% Anthrax Power.
Originally posted by Jacowboy
TD... One thing missing in the band comparaisons... I think that Crah really sounds like a Pink Floyd mini-tune... Definitely PF vibe in it... Made me instantly think about The Wall.

I think this record is mainly a "nod" to all of the band's influences... But it's all pure 100% Anthrax Power.

Good Call. Very good call. It sounds like it was produced by Bob Ezrin himself. Was that a fairlight they used in that song???
oh it was great, forage from the Pantera show sucked but it was still cool, Anthrax on that German show was cool to, I liked how on the Japan MTV show Scott And John where acting like thay really dident want to be there..funny..
Judging from the songs I've heard (I've heard all but Cadillac Rock Box, Strap It On and We've Come For You All) this is shaping up to be the best Anthrax album ever. I haven't heard one song I'm going to hit skip on my CD player to pass over. Looks like I'm going to have to plop down the cash and buy the import before I but the US version!
