Migs... we'll be at Club Saphir tonight, if you want to party. Always good to meet Katatonia fans that hate life/know how to get krvnk/want to observe my magnificence in person.

I don't party. But thanks anyway!:rolleyes:
Actually I think i'll spend most of the night on the throne, due to last night reds richards pints...but have fun!

Anthony3 what was the capacity of the clubs?
They played Departer!! I really fucked up though, I thought I was recording it but I didnt hit the record button hard enough. I got the last 25 second, really pissed me off. Krister Linder was awesome!

NYC was SOLD OUT! Awesome show!
Oh my God, I knew it (but didn't really believe it). I wish I could have been there :waah::waah::waah:
Has anyone got a good quality recording of the whole song? Please share!
Thanks to Anthony3 for the 25 seconds, sounds like it must have been pure magic and I know I would have fucked things up in a moment like this , too...
Anthony3, weren't you that guy with all those other bald guys on the left side seats? And I think one guy had a Pestilence t shirt.
I didn't want to go up and ask just in case I'd accidentally make a fool out of myself.

BTW thanks for the vids
I just read about krister and departer on facebook. I want to throw up....so ungodly fucking goddamned jealous. First of all i fucking LOVE krister linder, and secondly Departer is a f'n FANTASTIC song, next to inheritance/onward its my fave track from the album. Holy fucking christ, NYC, you lucky fucks.....
Departer was fuckin' amazing. My favorite song off the new album that I went in expecting not to hear, esp with Krister on vocals.

Bout to head out for Mass in a few.
Worcester set minus Criminals:
Montreal show was awesome! Probably their best concert among the ones I'ves seen. Although I've really missed one more song from DO. Not really cared for the lack of songs from LFDGD since, IMO, even though they're great they don't hold up to the new material in terms of impact
Quick question. I am seeing Kata on wednesday in detroit, have meet and greet access and plan on getting shit signed....Now i know this doesnt apply to code(he did infact post like 40 billion things he got signed), but i want to take maybe 20 things or so to get signed?

I guess my question is, I don't want to come off as being a dick or something of the sort like "oh hey...i brought all this shit for you to sign"

Those who have been to the meet and greet, did people bring lots of shit? Should i feel bad/dumb hahaha.
Quick question. I am seeing Kata on wednesday in detroit, have meet and greet access and plan on getting shit signed....Now i know this doesnt apply to code(he did infact post like 40 billion things he got signed), but i want to take maybe 20 things or so to get signed?

I guess my question is, I don't want to come off as being a dick or something of the sort like "oh hey...i brought all this shit for you to sign"

Those who have been to the meet and greet, did people bring lots of shit? Should i feel bad/dumb hahaha.

Most things I ever brought was two. At the Montreal show back in 2003 or 2004 (can't recall), there was a dude who brought a shitload of stuff. The guys signed them... but he did look like a douche.
I brought my vinyls the first time around, and a select cds the second time...they seemed more than happy to do it. I know Anders got a kick out of it.
Most things I ever brought was two. At the Montreal show back in 2003 or 2004 (can't recall), there was a dude who brought a shitload of stuff. The guys signed them... but he did look like a douche.

Guess I looked like a douche but I met up with them 4 - 6 hours before the show. Worth it getting everything Katatonia signed. The guys weren't upset about signing all of it, they'd gladly do it again I'm sure. Jonas said it was a "perfect collection." Anders was impressed about my copy of the red Funerals to Come. Took photos, hung out for a little bit so by all means, bring your stuff, just not top the meet and greet, other people want to get shit signed too. If I tried getting everything signed at the meet and greet, I'd have a lot of angry people after me. Best of luck to you!