Anthony "Big Merk" 3 and I partying with our super hot wives in Montreal... suck it, jerks!
Hello all!
My wife and I will be at the Detroit show tomorrow. I was wondering what merch will be there? What's a good amount to bring? This will be our first time seeing them. I'm assuming they will have a couple shirts and a hoodie?? Any prices would be great! I'm also planning on bringing some booklets to get signed, just in case were lucky enough to meet them.
Anyone have pictures of the merch?
The show itself (Cleveland Ohio) had its magical moments...I got chills a few times. The venue was a dumphole and the sound left much to be desired....I dont care...I fell into the place only Katatonia live brings me to regardless of it all...even the fat tough guy next to me that I called an asshole...or the hot skank behind me rubbing her tits on my back.
I think i'll be meeting up with Anthony at the Reggies Chicago gig this Friday. Stoked! Don't know if i'll be as rowdy as DarkSoul tho'![]()
guh,...just got back from the D-Town show. Much better than Cleveland. I feel really good about life right now....so well that I have decided to add Fridays Chicago gig to my week. I dont know exactly how Im going to do it...but it must be done.
Tour shirt looks cool, not big on the side design shirts.
You stoned man? hehe