I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times when I was around 8 or so. Totally freaky, horrific experience. I remember opening my eyes and thinking, "I'm awake now so I guess I'll get up" and trying to move but unable to, "what the..", now I'm freaking out internally, trying to move my arms...nothing. Trying to scream...nothing. Then its gone.

I used to have Dejavu often around that age but it has decreased more and more over the years. I remember once when I was about 15, falling asleep in the car and had this dream or whatever it was that I was in medieval times dressed similar to Robin Hood, tied to a steak as a knight in armor held a sword and swung it at my mid section with the intent to cut me in half. I jolted awake at that point.

Now I have Obituary's "chopped in half" song in my head featuring Mr. Murphy.
@ Metaltastic. That creeped me out reading that, for the record.

This is one of those things ( generally speaking not the ICP deal) where I really would need to experience it to believe it , otherwise I can't really believe it, but at the same time I almost wouldn't want to just in case. I'm not really into soiling myself in the presence of others...
Not that I know of, no, and the guys I was with said they had done it in other places too with similar results (manifested differently, apparently, but equally freaky) - and believe me, I was the most staunch realist beforehand, and I went into it with the utmost skepticism (and I was completely sober, which is the norm; all I do is drink, and I didn't start that until June last year).
there is a lot of stories around, in my city, and all Mexico

yea, well, mexicans will believe anything. chupacabra, anyone?

and metaltastic, your story is 100%, unequivocal proof that ICP are completely intolerable, even to spirits...if i was a ghost chilling in some house, i'd start throwing shit at you also if you were playing that on endless repeat

i've always been pretty skeptic of the whole supernatural/spirit sort of thing, but i did have this one experience that freaked me out a bit...i was living in this 2 bedroom apartment with a buddy of mine, who decided to move his g/f in. this chick was really big into wiccan shit, and had set up a corner of their bedroom as her little witching station. anyways, this guy and his girl moved out, and my girlfriend moved in later on. one night we were sitting around in my bedroom, and were talking about how neither one of us liked to go in or sleep in the other room, even though it was way bigger, because it had this "creepy" sort of vibe. maybe someone died in there, maybe it was bad fung shei, i don't know - all i can say is that it was very uncomortable. neither one of us could really explain it, but her lil bro had told us before that she'd claimed to have done some sort of silly wiccan shit that opened some sort of "portal" to the spirit world or something.

anyways, before we were talking about the creepy vibe and supposed portal and shit, i had been sitting there playing guitar through my crappy little practice amp. the whole time we were talking, the amp was on, with the guitar's volume turned down all the way. then, about 10 seconds after we gave up on the convo and were just sitting there, 2 voices started coming through the speaker of the amp - one male, and one female. the male voice sounded EXACTLY like one of those televangelist guys...you know, the holier-than-thou southern baptist tone that we all know so well. anyways, the freaky part was that the voices coming through the amp were having a conversation about setting up candles in a circle in order to open a portal and conjure spirits! of course the whole thing was sort of scratchy, and you couldn't make out everything they said, but there was enough that was clearly discernible for me and my girl to just look at each other and go :OMG:

now, i'm fully aware that amps can pick up interference from radio stations...i had another amp of mine that would always pick up some AM station at a buddy of mine's house, but here's the thing - i'd owned that amp for probably 5 years before that, and not ONCE had it ever picked up anything from the outside. in addition, i'd had it sitting in the same spot, in the same room, for almost a year, and played it daily, and never once did anything like that happen, either before or after. maybe there's some sort of logical explanation, but me and my g/f both found it quite odd for that to have occurred right after we had finished talking about the SAME EXACT SHIT as the voices that came out of my little 20W rogue.

now that i think about it, i remember being stoked as hell at the time...i started jumping up and down screaming "YES! THAT'S METAL AS FUCK!", but now it just sort of creeps me out.

now back on topic...when it comes to UFOs, as with supernatural shit, i just don't know what to believe. while there's no hard-proof of the existence of extraterrestrials, or any other explanation for UFO phenomenon, the simple fact is that a LOT of people have seen a LOT of shit - enough for me to believe that there's SOMETHING going on in the skies, be it aliens, secret military projects, or something that we can't even comprehend/understand.
its the same thing as when you suddenly jolt when you are falling to sleep, its your body out of sync, which is why it tends to happen when you are really tired or disorientated. If we wernt paralyzed we'd all be walking round in our sleep, its the oddest feeling tho, you can see why people have thought it close to near death or abduction etc.

Haha. Yes exactly.
I had audio and visual hallucinations on top of that including a crowd of little creatures :zombie:surrounding me and whispering loudly (if that make sense)...
So that explains a lot of things.
Anyway, it's a matter of interpretation in the end.
There are a few studies that showed that some people who have been experiencing this have been so impressed that they had post traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Fortunately I'm too cartesian to beleive I have been abducted by aliens.
Just shat a brick, I'll admit it...
This could also be tied to abnormal breathing cycles and hyperoxygenation.
Damn Kurtz, that's freaky as all hell - I guess the moral is that this kind of stuff generally won't bother you unless you go out of your way to bother it!
yea, well, mexicans will believe anything. chupacabra, anyone?

Dude the chupacabra hype started in USA, was minimal here in Mexico, then Central and South America was huge.

and no, the majority of Mexicans, don´t believe in UFO´s, although the supposed "Alien Activity" is really huge here, but people here are too "religious" to believe in other forms of life.
So by extension, I will NEVER touch a Ouija board. :)

Hell no. Me neither! I'm not one to believe in too much psychic mumbo jumbo, but I do strongly believe that we can all have a certain sensitivity to things...and others more than some people. I know this will make me seem like a nut case :goggly:, but I've always had this very strong sensitivity to the supernatural or spiritual side of things...both light/dark, good/bad...however you want to see it. But in recent years, I've shut off that side. It just left me way too open and sensitive to darker things that I don't like to experience. I've had some good experiences, such knowing exactly what people close to me were thinking or feeling, when they're miles away. Or even being able to describe what a friend I was chatting with, several hundred miles away, was wearing...down to the stitching patterns (they took a picture to prove to me I was right because they were so freaked out). But I've also had bone chilling experiences and encounters with the darker, more negative side of things. Some of which were brought on by myself while trying to help others. Some weren't. So I try to keep that side shut off and not focus on it.
Hell no. Me neither! I'm not one to believe in too much psychic mumbo jumbo, but I do strongly believe that we can all have a certain sensitivity to things...and others more than some people. I know this will make me seem like a nut case :goggly:, but I've always had this very strong sensitivity to the supernatural or spiritual side of things...both light/dark, good/bad...however you want to see it. But in recent years, I've shut off that side. It just left me way too open and sensitive to darker things that I don't like to experience. I've had some good experiences, such knowing exactly what people close to me were thinking or feeling, when they're miles away. Or even being able to describe what a friend I was chatting with, several hundred miles away, was wearing...down to the stitching patterns (they took a picture to prove to me I was right because they were so freaked out). But I've also had bone chilling experiences and encounters with the darker, more negative side of things. Some of which were brought on by myself while trying to help others. Some weren't. So I try to keep that side shut off and not focus on it.

I've seen too much shit like this to think everything can be explained by our current scientific knowledge. The speed of light barrier will be broken.
Right, as soon as we can exert greater-than-infinite force...

There's a difference between 'we can't think of a way to do it' and 'the geometry of space-time practically forbids it', and going from a true and simple statement to a bizarre quasi-religious belief beyond physical possibilities just makes you look silly.

The more people distrust what science can explain, the less they seem to understand. You're not giving physicists nearly as much credit as you should. Yes, we cannot know everything - but that doesn't mean everything we know is wrong. Statements like yours jump that line.

Hell no. Me neither! I'm not one to believe in too much psychic mumbo jumbo, but I do strongly believe that we can all have a certain sensitivity to things...and others more than some people. I know this will make me seem like a nut case :goggly:, but I've always had this very strong sensitivity to the supernatural or spiritual side of things...both light/dark, good/bad...however you want to see it. But in recent years, I've shut off that side. It just left me way too open and sensitive to darker things that I don't like to experience. I've had some good experiences, such knowing exactly what people close to me were thinking or feeling, when they're miles away. Or even being able to describe what a friend I was chatting with, several hundred miles away, was wearing...down to the stitching patterns (they took a picture to prove to me I was right because they were so freaked out). But I've also had bone chilling experiences and encounters with the darker, more negative side of things. Some of which were brought on by myself while trying to help others. Some weren't. So I try to keep that side shut off and not focus on it.

Wow dude, that's pretty intense - I honestly appreciate you not going into details on the darker side of things, cuz I've been pretty shaken last night and today since writing (and essentially reliving) my experience, so I don't need any more creepy stuff for my mind to latch on to! I'd imagine that sensitivity would make you a really empathetic person, though, which is a good way to be