Stories put to music?

I got bored while the server was down, so I started playing thru Final Fantasy 7 again. Upon playing the game for the 9th time, I think about how amazing the music in the game is, and I asked myself "Wow. Would X have to step this up if they actually wrote about this?"
My answer: Is it possible for them NOT to step it up?
I thought about it while I was drinking with my brother this weekend, and I thought about it carefully. Symphony X did Through the Looking Glass already, which Disney turned into Alice in Wonderland. Why doesn't Symphony X take and re-honor another story which Disney theoretically raped and turn that into a song? Although Through the Looking Glass wasn't ever too bad of a story.
I still vote Magic the Gathering: The Brothers' War. That book kicked so much ass, it was rediculous.
ptah knemu said:
I still vote Magic the Gathering: The Brothers' War. That book kicked so much ass, it was rediculous.

I unequivocally second this. :grin:

It'd be nice to hear a song based on White Wolf's RPGs too...Maybe Mage: the Ascension or Wraith would translate well. *crosses fingers*
A Continuation to 'The ODyssey' Would be sweet...Kamelot has Epica and the Black Halo, why not something like thatf or Symphony X? Would be awsome... Through the Looking Glass is a wicked ass song, one of my faves! All though there aint many other stories they can rip from Disney, Aladin/Arabian Nights (has been done by everyone lol) I would like to see one of Mulan (the first one) not the stupid 2nd one! The First Mulan Movie rocked, very well made!
I was playing through my tuba excerpt book, and while playing some wagner (Die Mistersinger i think) I thought it would be cool if symphony x did some opera. Do different music to the same story. All of those stories in opera are full of dramatics and are larger than life.
It would be weird seeing Symphony X do something by a post-modern writer since they have written songs about so many classics. Not necessarily a bad weird, just an out of character type of weird.
I would SO love to hear their take on any film score music. Not necessarily for an actual album, but just to experience how they would interpret it. Since Romeo's done Star Wars already, wouldn't it be awesome to hear his take on other Williams pieces? They could probably take anything from Harry Potter to Schindler's List and make it an amazing new piece to experience.
If they did Harry Potter, I'd kill myself. I'm sorry. The music is great, and the fact that it's Harry Potter wouldn't bother me, but what will make me want to kill myself is when I try introducing people the genius of X, and I show them that, they'd do one o the following:
A) Shun them because it's Harry Potter
B) Start saying "Oh my god! Harry Potter music!" over and over again
C) Make fun of X for doing Harry Potter
Yeah, but Magic the Gathering never had music that can be identified in a half a second. Also, Magic the Gathering had so much better of a storyline. Thats where the difference lies, Mr. L. Knight.
arglebargle said:
Hey, does anyone here love the music from the video game Chrono Trigger? I sure as hell do. In fact, I did a re-arrangement of the Zeal theme, check it out if you feel so inclined.

I was looking through I believe the Pso your Band/ Project thread and found this. Very few RPG's in existence can possibly match up to this. (FF7 being one of the few that can.) Musically, no games match this. Many of the themes for the characters, the synth playing, abd in some songs, the Bass lines (Which are also probably Symths as well) are all amazing. I just had to say this.