Damn, I lead one seriously dull existence, nothing noteworthy has ever happened to me.
Actually, that's not true - I have had an experience that provided undeniable and incontrovertible evidence of some sort of supernatural existence. The circumstances are laughably stupid, but in HS, I had a "friend" who was huge into "Insane Clown Posse" (I know, I know), and I was hanging out with him and some others and they said they had often done this thing where they sat in a completely pitch black dark room and played the song "The Ringmaster's Word" (off of "The Ringmaster" album) on repeat, and after some time passed all sorts of really bizarre stuff would happen. I thought it was a load of crap, but I couldn't deny my curiosity, so I agreed to go along with it that night (this was, oh, October or November 2004, I'd say).
So we shut out all the lights, put the song on repeat, and just sat around shooting the shit. Now, before I go on, I should establish that there were 4 of us in one of the dudes' basement, and the only other people were his parents upstairs. All the doors were closed to keep out the light, so it would've immediately been noticeable if someone had come in. Me and one dude were sitting on a bed with our backs against the wall, and the two others were sitting right in front on the floor. After some time, we started noticing the occasional sounds of coins landing on the floor (there was a huge pile of coins across the room, and it was a big room). It was only every few minutes, and we were barely aware of it cuz like 20 minutes had passed at this point and we were just talking, but slowly we realized that it was as if the coins were being thrown, and started getting a bit giddy. I even had a couple smack against the wall right next to my head.
Next was the banging. The "song" (if you can call it that) is just a rhythmic beat with a Bella Lugosi-esque voice saying some equally cheesy-but-creepy speech over it, and we started to both hear and feel a rhythmic knocking on the bed to the beat of the song. Occasionally it would be quarter notes, sometimes 8th notes...and sometimes it would be a crescendo of rapid beats growing in volume and intensity. And the freakiest was when it would pause, and then BAM!! really hard. I can't stress enough how sure I was that this was real; I both heard and felt the knocking, as if it was someone doing it. Among this, the coins were landing (I'm not talking pandemonium like in "Poltergeist" when the lady opens the door and it's like a tornado of furniture, but there was a fair amount going on), there was a bag of pixie sticks that was on the ground that suddenly landed in my lap, etc. (it was awhile ago, I don't really remember the specifics).
But the final straw was when the lights came. The best way to describe it is if someone was standing with one of those LED keychain lights (one of
these), and pressing it down while sweeping it through the air and then letting go (making a streak of light in the dark). These streaks started out far away, and occasional, but then they got more frequent, and closer, and by the time they were right in front of my eyes, I had absolutely had enough, and one of the guys turned the lights back on - which dispelled everything.
And I can't stress enough how sure I am that it wasn't any human being doing this, for three reasons: 1) The fact that we heard ZERO noise of anyone moving 2) I heard my friends' voices constantly through all of this (the usual "holy shits" and "oh my god this is fucking freaky" and the like) and they were in the exact same places the whole time, and 3) there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary when the lights went back on.
Needless to say, for a long time this absolutely traumatized me, and I'm getting the shivers now just talking about it. My thinking then was, if this kinda stuff is real, who's to say any other supernatural freaky thing in horror movies isn't? It was fear of the unknown, of what I didn't understand at all, and it scared the holy hell out of me for awhile after. But now, my feeling is that while I don't understand it any more than I did than, because nothing like that has really happened since, these things can happen but only if you go out of your way to "channel" them, so to speak. Sort of a concept of negative energy (negative in the emotional sense, not in the electrical charge); if you don't focus on it, then it won't really bother you. I know that's really vague and new age, but fuck, how else am I supposed to describe this? I don't think that song specifically had any kind of power; rather, I think anything played on repeat in a dark room by people expecting freaky stuff to happen would have that result (but hey, how can one make any kind of scientific assessment about this stuff?)
So I'm able to go to bed at night now without being hyper-aware of every single creak in my house (and I live in a log house, so HOLY GOD does this thing creak), because I've had enough time pass that I'm confident nothing like that will happen again as long as I don't "energize" it.
So by extension, I will NEVER touch a Ouija board.