i can see this post lasting up here for ages with loads of peoples stories and memories. haha

would be funny if a large % of us quit our jobs to become scientists after about 4 years of this thread staying up the top.

haha u can tell i'm bored
About wormholes, yes, it's possible. Of course, nobody has spotted one anywhere near the Sol system, so "possible" but "unlikely."
Same for time travel: Hawking put it best: Yes, it's mathematically possible. But have you ever met anyone from the future?

Wikipedia reads :

Hawkings once suggested that the absence of tourists from the future constitutes an argument against the existence of time travel—a variant of the Fermi paradox. Of course this would not prove that time travel is physically impossible, since it might be that time travel is physically possible but that it is never in fact developed; and even if it is developed, Hawking notes elsewhere that time travel might only be possible in a region of spacetime that is warped in the right way, and that if we cannot create such a region until the future, then time travelers would not be able to travel back before that date, so "This picture would explain why we haven't been over run by tourists from the future."
I've seen plenty of UFOs, and by that I simply mean "things in the air that I could not personally identify".
Of course, I am also not a credulous buffoon, so my first reaction is never "wow, that MUST be a flying saucer" - but more like "Hey, I wonder what that is?"
I've also never doubted that someone with inside knowledge or specialized equipment could remove any confusion. That seems to be where people make asses of themselves.

A little but of scepticism goes a long way.
Mexico is one of the countries that have more Ufo and weird things sightings.

My city is small and not that important, But, there a couple of fascinating stories, this one is considered a FACT, because thousands of people lived it:

We have this football stadium where a lot of people go to do exercise, play football, play basketball, see the girls Etc. in 1994 at about 8:00 pm., when a lot of people were attending, a big artifact came from the sky, it was big with a lot of lights and that stuff, and was about 5 meters (we use metric system here, it´s the devil´s soul) obiously people freaked out and ran away, 10 minutes later the thing almost landed in other but smaller basketball field near my guitarist house, and he and other friends was there, and then again elsewhere, the day after, i´ve heard it from diferent people (who didn´t knew each other)that live the experience.

Another and more weird local story:
My city is surrounded by mountains, there is a well known story that there is this guy who have a ranch in the middle of the mountain, and people attend there to meet some aliens who came every determinated time, this is a very strong rumor, again heard it from different people, and one of them (which is an important local person) is friend of the guy and he was invited several times to meet the supposed aliens, i don´t know if this is part of a sect or paranoid people or whatever, but is true that people go there and experience weird things.

there is a lot of stories around, in my city, and all Mexico. the first one people here consider a fact, because a lot of people (believers or not) saw the thing, however no one knows what the thing are, but has oval shape, a lot of lights and came from the sky.
As a side thought on the idea of "visitors from the future" ...

Would we even acknowledge them? I mean let's say for a moment that it IS possible and maybe even has happened. I saw some program once where they had this theory that what we have mistaken for UFOs and sightings of strange beings and all were actually visitations from people from the future who have cracked the time travel riddle and are here in an observation/learning capacity. Now if that was the case it brings to mind the subplot of nearly every time travel movie which is "do not interfere" for whatever reasons, some better than others. The whole butterfly effect comes into play ... they can't just announce that they are visitors from the future and provide proof of this, as this could lead to an alteration of THEIR history. One thought ...

NOW!!! ...

The other thought tied into that in a way is this... would we even believe it? If none of the rules of hollywood applied and in fact these visitors from the future could in fact announce who they were and why they were here, would we accept it? I mean aside from the obvious "if you don't believe me, step into my time machine for a few minutes and I'll show you". What if it was more like a combination of ideas ... a manmade set of wormholes or whatever where a person can come through but in order to get back (if at all) would have to be at a certain place & certain time (12 Monkeys style). Just like that movie, I'm pretty sure there is just about no one that would believe this person was in fact from our future here to learn. He'd be locked up, committed or at the very best, ridiculed and then ignored. This applies to a lot of things that people claim to wish for but may not actually be ready for were their wish actually to come true. If anyone here is religious in any way, I mean absolutely no offense when I say ... people who believe Jesus is coming back and are waiting for it ... what if he did but it wasn't how YOU imagine it with the army of white horses and angels charginf from a ray of sunlight across the sky. What if dude just came back to teach or something. Its what a lot of people hope and wait for, but would they accept it? Even if put to the test and some miraculous healing was performed that couldn't be scientifically and medically explained ... how many Jesus freaks would automatically start making claims of the devil sent to trick us?

Maybe I went a little far off the topic, but maybe you see how the 2 thoughts apply to the initial question.
So what did you see GGI?

I was in the hills. It looked like a slow, neon-green, low flying meteor or shooting star or something. It quickly changed from bright green to orange as it slowed down over Oakland, then it changed directions and took off really fast toward the horizon. Really fast, like nearing the speed of light fast.

Two crazy things about it: I called the police department but no one else had reported it (this still shocks me that no one but my friend and i saw it). The other thing is that I've seen the same green thing twice since then in the same area. Maybe a local weather phenomenon. Maybe a 49ers offensive coordinator.
Believe me, I really want to live to see the day when extra-terrestrial life is discovered. Wether it be in the oceans of Europa or through radio astronomy, it would be incredible. But I've no patience for fairy tales.

Okay, I can understand you being sceptic... But think about it: why should it be that it is just us in the whole wide universe that possess such degree of intelligence? And just because WE can't travel large distances in an acceptable time frame, doesn't mean nobody in the whole universe can! That would be really vain... Just imagine what would people think about space flight just a 100 years ago!!!

I think there are many other sentient species out there, some less some more intelligent and capable compared to us.
And honestly, would you trust humans with your advanced technology? We can barely handle nuclear weapons and are on the verge of destroying our own planet. Why would they risk letting us even know about their technology.

BTW I'm not trying to prove that there are aliens out there, I'm just sayin, holmes.
If the universe is infinate then some where this exact thread is being discussed on a music recording fourm just like this on an internet just like this on a planet just like this and my alternate self is typing this very txt. :ill:

So IF the universe is indeed infinate then yes their is life with less equal and greater intelligence than our own, but as this hasent much impacted on my life here on EARTH yet i leave these discussions up to stoned teenagers and hillbilies.

James out:)
And just because WE can't travel large distances in an acceptable time frame, doesn't mean nobody in the whole universe can!

Show me the math, smart guy. You want to argue against Einstein, back it up with some data... not wishful thinking.

BTW, don't take that too personally. Your argument is quite common. I'm venting a little bit.
Okay, I can understand you being sceptic... But think about it: why should it be that it is just us in the whole wide universe that possess such degree of intelligence? And just because WE can't travel large distances in an acceptable time frame, doesn't mean nobody in the whole universe can! That would be really vain... Just imagine what would people think about space flight just a 100 years ago!!!

I think there are many other sentient species out there, some less some more intelligent and capable compared to us.

I 100% agree. I mean take a look at the pic I posted. Thats from the Hubble space telescope. All those galaxies, many with their own sun and thats probably just a fraction of what is out there.
I was in the hills. It looked like a slow, neon-green, low flying meteor or shooting star or something. It quickly changed from bright green to orange as it slowed down over Oakland, then it changed directions and took off really fast toward the horizon. Really fast, like nearing the speed of light fast.

Two crazy things about it: I called the police department but no one else had reported it (this still shocks me that no one but my friend and i saw it). The other thing is that I've seen the same green thing twice since then in the same area. Maybe a local weather phenomenon. Maybe a 49ers offensive coordinator.

Thanks for sharing. Cool story and yes, pretty crazy. (The story, not you :lol:)
Show me the math, smart guy. You want to argue against Einstein, back it up with some data... not wishful thinking.

BTW, don't take that too personally. Your argument is quite common. I'm venting a little bit.

I don't want to argue with anybody... :P It's just logical to me, that's all!
Don't tell me that all we know now is all there is to know, come on!
All those galaxies, many with their own sun and thats probably just a fraction of what is out there.

You are aware that an individual galaxy contains perhaps hundreds of billions of stars, each of which potentially a part of a simple solar system such as our own? To say that "many have their own sun" is a gross understatement.

Just wanted to point that out.