Ugh..somebody want to help me out?


Sep 11, 2002
So my stubborn friend and I got in a argument about In Flames being melodic death metal or not. He says they're not, and there's no such thing as melodic death metal; it's just death metal. I've always though In Flames as being Death...meh, could somebody who knows just fill me in?
Death metal has so many sub categories that it's dumb to think there is no melodic death metal,then what is Dark Tranquillity?
I think they WERE melodic death metal,they are something different now.
That's exactly what I said. I asked him then how can bands like Cannibal Corpse and At the Gates be in the same exact genre...ah well. We're both really stubborn (and have to be right all the time) so we just changed the subject.:loco:
That's what happens to me too
but it happens whena friend insists on saying that Korn is more metal than let's say Edge of Sanity because it's heavier.
yep,shamefully he is serious
he says slipknot are tr00er than Iced Earth cause they are heavier.To him metal is heavy and nothing else
of course he doesn't like metal,he loves korn and all that shit
ah, but heaviness alone does not better a band or, I knew I shouldn't have watched Return of the Jedi that second time.

Anyways, I have numerous of the same arguments. Better to leave subjects like that untouched and talk about something you can both agree on... or at least both talk about with out fighting too much.
Tell the Mr Drummer man to listen to R2R again, look you dead in the eyes, and say it's DEATH metal with a straight face.

He might realise how ridiculous he's being. :P
I always thought In Flames created this genre called "Gothenburg Metal" which is like a mixture of Thrash, Death and Heavy Metal

I dont really care about genres though and whoever does lead a serious argument about that subject should come over here so I can give him a good smack and tell him to get a life.
Sounds good? ;)