
You can't leave food around fat people. They act like it's their duty to make fridge space. Believe me, I know. My brother is here for a month to take a class and he eats two TV dinners a day on a slow day.
I think the vitriol is being incorrectly aimed at her obesity. That seems rather unfair.

She's a cunt because she's a cunt. Being fat and being a cunt are not mutually dependent.
I think the vitriol is being incorrectly aimed at her obesity. That seems rather unfair.

She's a cunt because she's a cunt. Being fat and being a cunt are not mutually dependent.
Yeah they are.

Dude, just call her names. Like fatty, and fatass, and chubbs. Never refer to her by name. Just slowly dismantle her ego and will to live.
hey you could always try by putting some laxatives in some great food, which you then give to her and come with some kind of apology saying you're sorry for yelling at her. cue a little while, she'll be somewhere else while you watch NINJA WARRIOR. And then when she comes back she'll be thin too, because that's how laxatives work.

The LAST thing you want to do with a couch whale is give them laxatives.

Why? Because they won't even make it to the toilet and shit wherever, and if they DO make it to the toilet, I hope you didn't enjoy said toilet.
Just make her pay you back for all the food she inhaled....and then push her down a flight of stairs for you troubles (kidding...or am I?)

I'd be so pissed if someone did that without my permission (how the fuck does one eat that much in one sitting?????). Food is expensive. Ask her to pay for it and maybe stash your future purchases in your room somewhere.