Ultimate Gig...your ideas!


Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
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Hello People...it has come time that the withdrawal symptons must be cured!
I am back organizing something again in the way of a huge gig (and I mean HUGE).This will be held in Feb. here in Sydney at Club 77.With Utopia behind it in a major way.It will be for raising money for the Here For Life Foundation ( the yellow ribbon people) a suicide prevention gig. There is also other major sponsors just waiting for their confirmation.
What I would like to hear from you all here is the following.
If you could see any Aussie bands (up to about 8) from anywhere in Australia.Who would they be. I want to put on something that people like yourselves would love to go to. It shall be an all ages event up until around 8pm then from 9pm it shall be over 18's.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

thankyou all!:D
Dungeon, obviously, and... well, they're the only Aussie metal band I'm really familiar with. A reformed Screaming Jets would rock though (even though they didn't split but are just on hiatus, or something... anything to get Dave Gleeson off the Footy Show, poor bloke!).

Apart from that I can't help you :)

Oh, seeing as you're a gig promoter extraordinaire, I think you should make a few phone calls and organise a huge touring metal festival with heaps of local and overseas bands - a metal version of the Big Day Out, if you like. I have complete faith that you will do this for us! :)
It is funny you say that Spiff as that is one my ideas at the moment it is just a matter of wrking out a few things.I have thought about that a lot. Also now I have managed to get Utopia management on my side in regards to the stuff I do it could be looked into more now!
All these ideas etc have manly come from the fact I don't like my job much!
Dungeon, Crimson Fire, Sanity's Cage, Night Crawler for some rockin' 80s metal covers, and try to find a glam band :) Get The Redresser from Melbourne hehe even though I have no idea what they're like!
At first I thought this thread was just gonna be "whats your ultimate gig?" hehe.

Mine would have to be Kiss headlining, with no makup and Bruce back in the band of course playing mainly non-makeup tunes.... and Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Poison, Judas Priest reunited with Halford, and W.A.S.P... with the festival opening with a reunited Vinnie Vincent Invasion :D

Then at the end of Kiss' set, Vinnie Vincent can get up for an encore with them and play songs from Lick It Up!
I was talking last night with a friend who is a glam freak and we came up with the ultimate gig.
Vinnie Vincent Invasion,Cinderella,Kix,Warrant,Slaughter,Bon Jovi

that is all I can remember....that happens when you talk shit whilst drinking copius amounts of alcohol.
Aussie bands -
Virgin Black (don't know if they're still in the country though)
New Project

btw.. the whole idea is excellent, not only for us, but also the cause.

Good luck.. hope you can pull it off.
Slaughter are better than Poison :D

Although I probably would rather see a Poison show. More fun, better stage production, more singalong tunes.