Ultimate Metal Death Match


Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
So I am loosely basing this topic upon the system they have at loudwire.com. Two songs clash head-to-head and the most popular one via votes wins, and goes on to challenge the next song. However, here we don't have any polling system, so it will work as follows:

*To begin, I'll thrown down two songs as options.
*The next guy will come along and decide which of the two songs he likes better.
*The one he does not like is elminated, and the winning somg progressers.
*He will then introduce any song of his personal choosing to challenge the current "Champion song".
*Then somebody different will choose the better song of these two songs (the losing song is eliminated) and introduce his own song to challenge the song he just chose as the winner...... And so on and so forth.

Not too complicated and it should be interesting to see how well various genres/bands are able to get their flag flying high by retaining the #1 spot for as many days as possible.
Simply choose a favorite of these two songs, and choose your own song to challenge it. Repost both your song and the current "champion" song next to each other. Then someone else will chooser a winner between those two songs and introduce his own song as a challenger, and so on and so on.,,,,
Get that b) shit outa here. a) too, next turn. Besides, if people just post classic revered music the game will end in like 5 turns.

Observe, a) vs. this


The game can never be over unless you think that there is one song that is better than all the others - even all the classic revered songs - and that this one song can simply continue winning all the time and make the game pointless. That's impossible, there is simply far too much great music out there in too many metal subgenres for any one song to be overwhelmingly dominant for a long time.

So.... now we are left with:




I've never been much of a Megadeth fan and I really like the avante-gard, experiemental nature of a) so it's now like this:



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To be honest, both these songs annoy the fuck outta me, and I'm pretty sure if you looked up the meaning of "blasphemy" in the dictionary you'd find the definition listed as "A Graveworm song losing to a distorted, whiny piece of shit by Electric Wizard", but anyway, now it looks like this:


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I would have thought that any disciple of common sense would realise that there's no logic in re-posting a song that has already been posted and eliminated - this isn't some retarded reality show where you get miraculous reprieves even after failing (you sexy Survivor, Amazing Race, Idol, The Voice fan, you).

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I would have thought that any disciple of common sense would realise that there's no logic in re-posting a song that has already been posted and eliminated - this isn't some retarded reality show where you get miraculous reprieves even after failing (you sexy Survivor, Amazing Race, Idol, The Voice fan, you).


Funny how you say that and then do the exact same thing.

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UA, maybe now give someone other's possibility to choose song? I see you like the word "retarded" but I really don't see the point writing it in your every fucking post.
UA, maybe now give someone other's possibility to choose song? I see you like the word "retarded" but I really don't see the point writing it in your every fucking post.

This topic is totally open for anyone to choose a new song. However, the fact remains that the Black Sabbath song was eliminated when I chose the Electric Wizard song over it, so the two songs currently opposing each other are:


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This is a tough one because obviously Slayer is a classic, but the Enslaved song has a lot more variety and depth to it. I guess I'll go for Enslaved.

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All hail Dio, but Enslaved holds the more majestic sound here in my opinion.



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