Ultra Simple, Super Effective Riffs


Jul 25, 2014
It's one of the best combos in metal, isn't it. It's rare of course, because most really simple riffs just suck, but with the right sort of momentum, production, guitar sound... some of the simplest riffs can be the most effective in just how they build intensity.

Here's an example. Opening riff:

The intensity in this song is like an absolute adrenaline rush for me, every time. Can't focus on anything else but the song playing.

Give us a few. Let's hear em.
Barathrum is the king of this imo. Take basically any riff from this song:

And to pre-empt no country: (riff at 1:28 or so)

Most people grow weary of Smoke on the Water, but every time I hear it I can't help but nod my head to it. That combination of guitars + drum beat is absolute perfection.
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There's a band called Ad Hominem ? :tickled:
Oh I see, one of those French black metal bands with a distinct sound...opening riff very reminiscent of Deathspell.

Listened to all your links. The Unleashed one is prob. the one I prefer.

If someone somehow missed this, 0:38

Simplicity: 9/10.
Effectiveness: 10/10.
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This one comes to mind, fresh off the 1997 poll.

Skip to 7:00 minute mark.

I always have shivers while listening to this masterpiece. The way this track builds up is just beyond me. Utter perfection if you ask me. And they hail from Poland, ha!
Disagree. Besides hard rock which is irrelevant since this thread is about metal, try to keep up.
Yeah, because, let's say, Candlemass is full of complex and busy riffing. Sure.

Black metal riffing is far less simple than it seems and it's by default far harder to play than your average heavy or doom song.
Yeah, because, let's say, Candlemass is full of complex and busy riffing. Sure.

I didn't say anything like that. Doom metal is self-aware with how simple and derivative it often is, as opposed to black metal neckbeard faggots who think they're the next Mozart or some shit. Black metal riffing isn't very hard at all, this is further demonstrated by the fact that the earliest and most essential black metal bands were made up of 15 year old kids jamming in Scandinavian barns.
I didn't say anything like that. Doom metal is self-aware with how simple and derivative it often is, as opposed to black metal neckbeard faggots who think they're the next Mozart or some shit. Black metal riffing isn't very hard at all, this is further demonstrated by the fact that the earliest and most essential black metal bands were made up of 15 year old kids jamming in Scandinavian barns.
If you are talking about HH/CF/Bathory kind of black metal, sure. What came next is quite more complex than the examples I provided. You need some degree of skill to play stuff like Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved, early Ulver or even Mayhem since DMDS. Tremolo riffing is not basic stuff at all.

Anyway, I like this song for its simplicity.

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