UM Couples Thread

Way to rely on a false ad hom that you can't even spell correctly (d-e-l-i-r-i-o-u-s, for the record). :rolleyes:

As for your beef with Eric, whether he was inappropriately blunt and intolerant or not is immaterial since whatever gripes you two have is only applicable to the two of you. Ultimately, it's not exactly a solid basis to decry "most guys" on the Neverboard (especially since you know virtually nothing of almost any of them).

Also, introducing yourself to a forum by calling alleged plagiarism on one of the regulars there ("why is this thread a rip off...?"), regarding a forum almost nobody there visits (COBOT), related to a band the majority of them hate (COB), and mentioning your love of said Mima as though they know who the hell she is doesn't exactly send the best first impression.

since English ain't my native language, it's quite obvious that I misspell some words :Smug:
I think everyone here still remembers Eric as he was resurrecting 3 year old dead thread and RT is like his name says, retarded and if I cared I would've said all the guys on Nevermore board and not most.

I was fucking bored when I went there so yeah, I was a bit of a troll, so fucking what? I don't see what your problem is.
okay, that's it...

me and the elctric marioslapper