UM Fantasy Football League IV

Just leave the players on his team and let it be.

In response to King, it's called depth and its how you win fantasy football.
Drawing out of a Colts hat is cheating.

nuh uh

In response to King, it's called depth and its how you win fantasy football.

:lol: I appreciate you lookin out and whatnot, but I don't need pointers on how to win in fantasy football. I named my team Recurring Domination for a reason.

Just leave the players on his team and let it be.

We can take it up to a vote then.

Who is in favor of splitting up Badbird's team? Yay or nay will suffice.
Ok here's the vote so far:

KD - Yay
Mort - Yay
Ack - YAY
Ozz - Yay
Dak - Nay
Caecius - Nay
Brooks - Nay

4 Yays, 3 Nays. We're still missing 3 people to vote (badbird and Dak's friend don't post here).
Well I just did a drawing and here's the results:

Brees - KD (I swear this is true lol...)
Fitzgerald - Dak
Ochostinko - Eradicators
Thomas Jones - Jimmy
Clark - Krig
Harvin - Ozz
L.T. - Brooks
Donald Brown - Caecius
Fasano - Mathias
McNabb - Mort
Dallas - Ack

I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, just figured you guys would be interested to know.
I don't really care how it's done to be honest. I just don't think it's fair to have these players just sitting there being useless so I'm splitting them up despite the Nay votes.

edit: don't worry about it
1. Dakryn
2. Ack
3. Ozz
4. Me
5. Brooks
6. Mort
7. Jimmy
8. Caecius
9. Krig
10. Mathias
11. Eradicators

Who do you want Dakryn?

Btw, how this is going to work is, I'll lock everyone else from making moves, I'll drop the player you want from JLM's roster and you drop a player to make a spot for the guy you want to pick up and then pick him up and we go on all the way down the list. Do not pick up anyone except for the guy you want. It'll be a free-for-all after everyone has picked up their guy to snag any free agents they want.