UM Fantasy Football League IV

Yeah, but you were talking about Michael Bush being hurt, so I thought you were referencing McFadden. Hardesty is out for the year. I guess, you meant he has Michael Bush. Also, I think Gore is more injury prone then Brown.

Well I would say, Gore and Brown are equally injury prone.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Did you think I tried lowballing you for Steve Smith because I honestly don't. He's just chilling there on your bench, which to me means he isn't starter material to you, therefore trade material if offered something of equal or greater value.

If you didn't like the trade, all you have to do is decline it. You don't need to counter offer me something ridiculous to get back at me, or whatever you were trying to do.

It's just fantasy football guys, this isn't a matter of life or death.
Not sure what I've got in old man Favre yet, he definitely likes his tight end so far. This game sucks cause I have Favre in this league & the New Orleans defense in another.
Ya I suppose so. You'll just be a dead team. I'll distribute your players throughout the league by lottery. So whoever plays you will be guaranteed a win. I'm glad you said this now instead of 3/4 of the way through the season.

Anyone else not going to be able to contribute to the league? Say so now.

Regarding the lottery deal, I'll make sure I record it with my camera so none of the whiners in the crowd think I cheated incase I happen to win a good player. If you are one of the unlucky few (I guarantee I will be) that doesn't win a player worth a shit, don't cry about it please.

edit: Fuck you Bernard Berrian. 1.3 points? Seriously?!