UM Fantasy Football League IV

Ack, I will trade you your choice of Brett Favre or Vince Young & your choice of Donald Driver or Marion Barber for Mr. Rodgers. You have Brees for all but one week if he stays healthy. You don't need Rodgers too.
I am tempted to trade for Brees. You could have picked up Ochocinco instead of Brees, but I guess you wanted Brees for trading leverage? Also, you have some decent receivers on your bench, so why do you want another?
Yeah, I was looking at Ocho, but felt I could get more with Brees.

I guess I don't really feel like I have any consistent proven receivers. Jacoby Jones, Jabar Gaffney, Camarillo, Knox, Breaston, Clayton... None of them seem really dependable week after week. Maybe they will be, but it is early, and none of them are stars, so nothing is for sure (not that anything ever is). I should probably hold on to Brees at least a couple of weeks and see where my guys go and figure out what I really need. For the sake of the league I don't really want to hang on to two star QBs. I can only use one at a time.
I was actually hoping all of you artards who got to pick players from JLM's roster before me would pass on Brees. I was just going to trade him for some nice players.

This is just my opinion, so if you want to settle for lesesr players that's totally up to you Ack, but Brees is a premium player in this league. He has the capability of scoring 70+ a week if their offense starts clicking, which it should. So he's worth a pretty penny imo.

Now, if you decided not to be a dick about it like I wouldn't, you could probably get a WR1 and a RB2 (or vice versa) for him and I'd say that's fair.

I probably just raised the stakes on everyone slobbering overing Brees. For that I am not sorry.

On a side note however, I'm glad to see there is a lot of activity this year in fantasy, and it's only week one and a half. This is going to be a fun league.

edit: @Ack: The problem I see with your receivers is the lack of consistency you're going to get from them on a weekly basis. Consistency rules fantasy football. This is why I always shy away from boom or bust players, especially those who are coming off of career high season (ala Tom Brady in 2008, Shaun Alexander in 2006, Braylon Edwards in 2008, etc), and never jump on a prospect who could be lights out or be a complete dud (Shonn Greene - so far). You need guys who are basically guaranteed at least 4-5 catches and a 1/2 touchdown a week. This way, you may get beat one week because some dude decides to draft Peyton Manning in the first round and Peyton assrapes you with a 116 point week, or Arian Foster decides to annihilate my Colts because he's a major dick, but over the course of the season you get consistent production from these guys keeping you at the top of the seeding chart and hopefully leading you to a championship. You need to find people who are as close to a "sure thing" as possible. This has been my philosophy for years and something I've explained to Ozz before, you need guaranteed points.

Hopefully that helps you with your decisions.
I think I'm going to start Vick. It could be a huge mistake, but fuck it, this is what fantasy is all about. Plus I don't trust Brady vs the Jets.

Win # 2 comin' up

Fuckin' V bomb bitches!
I've made 22 moves, the rest of the league 39 moves. lol? At the rate I'm going I'll have made 308 moves by the time the league playoffs start. Isn't this incredible? IT'S GONNA BE SOME KIND OF A RECORD!
O.K, well, I just offered him a trade...

Vick for Beanie Wells.

I don't think Alex Smith is going to cut it for him.

and this trade will also give him leverage( since he already has Kolb ) with the Vick/Kolb QB situation.
My projected point total is pretty decent this week, now if my players can just go out there and play like they are capable of. Oh & fuck you Arian Foster, Andre Johnson 6.3 points WTF???