UM Fantasy Football League VIII

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
In the words of the great Anderson Silva: I back.

Yes, I realize it's only February but I'm determined to destroy you fuckholes this year and reclaim my crown as the GOAT.

Some changes I'm considering:

1) Keeper league, details to come
2) Possibly a money league in the range of $5-20
3) I'll keep it H2H because that's really fun, but considering changing up the way the playoffs work
4) Roster changes
5) Rules changes

I'll work on the details later but I'm going to make this the best league ever. For those of you who volunteer to play, or pay, try not to be a cunt this year and actually participate. I'll do my best to keep it interesting but it's also on you guys to keep it fun for everyone else as well.
I'm interested in some sort of keeper league, and money involvement of $5-$10. I liked the roster and rules format we had this year - generalized in two key points: no skew towards a particular position, and the inability to load benches up.
I'd also be willing to participate, as long as the buy in is relatively low. Count me out if you guys all of a sudden decide to go to $50 or something.
The draft has an order. Everybody takes a turn drafting a player, and you keep taking turns until the rosters are full. You create your own team names, and points are based on each players' stats (depending on position). For example, if a Quarterback throws 3 touchdowns, you get 3 touchdowns worth of points (plus the other stats he compiles).

It's similar to the amateur/entry draft for the major North American sports (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL).
We did a bidding draft one year. Autopick entirely fucked that up, as opposed to the moderate amount of fucking up it does to pure turn based drafting.
Last year really exposed how much of a joke fantasy football is to me. The dude with the least overall points got to the final game. Major players were injured and rendered teams useless. It's completely uninteractive beyond guesswork.

That said, it was fun talking smack and such with you all. So... maybe.