UM fantasy premier league 2015/2016 (SOCCER)

Diaby ended up in Marseille. Honestly, I didn't expect him to end in such a big club. Di Maria nowhere to be found. I thought he'd get another season. It feels so un-Manchester-y to sell a player after 1 season.

he just doesn't wanna be there. signed begrudgingly in the first place and has jumped toward the exit at the first opportunity. he's been a dick about it in all honesty, fuck 'im. young is undroppable atm anyways, we'll be fine without him.
Diaby ended up in Marseille. Honestly, I didn't expect him to end in such a big club. Di Maria nowhere to be found. I thought he'd get another season. It feels so un-Manchester-y to sell a player after 1 season.

Oh, and this happened to one of SVK players when playing in Albania. Apparently, the "object" that hit him was a rock.

Yeah, but there were rumors that he's going through medicals at WBA.

Ondrej Duda, he is heralded as the best young talent in Poland and one of the best in Europe. I love watching him play, but after injury he sustained he doesn't play at level he used to. And yes, these Albanians are fucking scum.

SPURS NEWS: Vlad Chiriches sold to Roma for about 6 millions euro.
Had to happen. Rodgers never utilized him properly and he wasn't good enought to be first or second choice. Might form a good partnership with Berahino if he isn't sold.
A lot of teams, especially mid table, are strengtening well this year.

Stoke, like you said, did well in market. They continue their transformation, they got both strong and technical players. If Bojan will get back to the form he had before injury, as well as Ginkel, they can end up high in the table.

Palace did well too. Strengthened the CF position and Cabaye is massive.

West Ham has pretty balanced team. They improved midfield and depth in defense. If their forward are in form, I can see them challenging for EL. Payet is great player, same as Obiang.

Leicester added experience, I believe they won't go down this year.

S'oton pretty much covered all outgoings and made a profit.

Swansea strengtened the left side, Tabanou and Ayew good buys.

Villa and Newcastle both got some talented players, but I'm not sure how they're gonna perform. Villa lost 2 key players, got many decent but no one game changing which is what they need IMO. And Newcastle is a mess, they just buy more and more promising players and it leads to nothing. I wouldn't trust McClaren either.

So, my very amateurish prediction for 7th-11th place:
7-West Ham

P.S. I like Palace, I don't think they'll finish so well but man can hope :)
1) chelsea
2) city
3) arsenal
4) utd
5) liverpool
6) spurs
7) everton
8) southampton
9) swansea
10) stoke
11) crystal palace
12) west brom
13) west ham
14) newcastle
15) bournemouth
16) aston villa
17) norwich
18) sunderland
19) leicester
20) watford

bottom 6, maybe 7, are in relegation danger i think.
Watford, Bournemouth and Sunderland will go down. And I don't think that Everton will get back to the first 8, they lack consistency and didn't purchase anyone but Cleverley and Deulofeu, whilst lost Distin and Alcaraz. And midfielders are not what they are short of.
i'd be happy if sunderland went down tbh. everton still have a top 10 team though, they underachieved last season. i agree it's not been a great window but they haven't really lost anyone either (yet).
im in a bunch of leagues on this site. i'm playing a draft league with a couple friends too on another site, not sure i'll bother maintaining that though tbh. i also play the talksport score predictor thingy, that's quite fun and easy to keep up with.

can't wait for tomorrow!
Not going to play, but I'll be here talking about the league from time to time.

My predictions:
1 Chelsea
2 United
3 City
4 Arsenal
5 Liverpool
6 Spurs
7 Southampton
8 Stoke
9 Everton
10 Palace
11 West Brom
12 Swansea
13 Leicester
14 West Ham
15 Newcastle
16 Norwich City
17 Bournemouth
18 Villa
19 Sunderland
20 Watford

I hope West Ham gets relegated though, that would be fun.
you guys were kinda poor :p bentaleb really struggled, and obviously walker had a bit of a 'mare. as for us, was very happy with our defensive display. darmian, smalling and romero all had excellent games. wasn't the greatest game to kick off the season with though, chelsea swansea was a lot more fun.
Were we really poor? Man, first half was ours. We lost it after Walker's own goal, but we deserved more. It should have been 1:1, Shaw really struggled with Kane and Romero's passes were so bad. Bentaleb was shit, but our defence really surprised me, Alderweireld and Vertonghen's cooperation is going to be profitable. And playing Dier on defensive midfielder is not a good choice by Poch. Schweinsteiger also didn't show anything but his tactical tackles. And you have to admit, mate, that during first half United looked utterly weak, especially first 15 minutes. Your midfield was like confused or sth.

Smalling MOTM, hell of a defender. I enjoyed his tackles.
oh yeah, i thought we were pretty poor too, i was just surprised by how well we defended lol. i thought chelsea and swansea both looked better than either of our teams tbh. then again, none of the top teams have impressed so far and it's only the first game, so i'm not taking much from it.

romero's distribution was the one concern with him, hoofed a lot of aimless balls to the opposition, but i thought he had good presence in the box though and handled everything coming his way. schweinsteiger looked a little rusty but i loved the way he came on and instantly started ordering everyone around, we've needed these kinds of leader figures for a while now. thought schneiderlin looked decent too. wasn't very impressed with anyone in the front 4 though.

alder and vert will definitely be a good partnership methinks, both quality players. i kinda hope dembele has a resurgence too, i always liked him.