Ummmm... I think my boyfriend just broke up with me.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I just want to say one good thing before I go the way of the ghosts. We used to be good friends. I don't know what happened to de-rail us as homies. But I want you all to know I still love ya'. Shit happens and you want to take a different approach at things and that's just life. Just remember one thing though "We all had a lot of good times"
Is this something that a man is supposed to write to another man? Sorta creepy.

[/gayest thing I've ever seen]
My guitarist. He asked me to cruise over to his parent's house and I said "go to the bar, that's where I'm going" and then I come home to see that.

Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... huh?
Yeah I think I just got aced from my band that I've been wanting to quit for like 6 months, haha.

No idea. Fuckin' drama queens. Maybe I'm the asshole, I dunno.
Every cheerymonger has his asshole, people like us just keep the balance. *farts and leans back*
Well I just wrote a goodbye email to the band, although I guess technically I was fired first. I guess the best part is I won't pester this forum with "My Band Sux" threads anymore. :loco:
Yep. I'm still owed $1,500, can guarantee I'll never see that. Oh well, I make a lot of cash now anyhow, fuckit.

I do need a new band though. Thinking about doing something metal this time.
hahaha :headbang: for honesty.

Don't know yet. I'd like to find a group of dudes that are on a similar wavelength as me, as in people with jobs that don't want to be rockstars.

As far as what type of metal, I'm not really sure. Anything where I'm able to branch out as a wanky bassist I suppose. There was some dude I was talking to that lived 20 miles away from me forming some tech-metal band some months back, maybe he's still looking for a lowend fag...
I think Buzzo would totally respect me and my afro ways. Either that or claim Alpha Male dominance and try to rip me to shreds. I think I'm bigger (not the hair) so I might have a chance for survival.
How bouts you come up to Canada, for some reason completely change your plans and come to Toronto, and start a HEAVY METAL band with me and Highway Corsair :loco:
Ehhh I guess it happens, dude. You made some good tunes, so now it's time to move on and make something better (because I know you can).
MFJ said:
now it's time to move on and make something better (because I know you can).
yeah hahaha it's not even going to be hard :lol:

itt everyone finally reveals their true feelings on the shitfest that was three sheets

just kidding

or am i?


or is it?