Ummmm..... what?

Opethian666 said:
^I'm surprised you even took the time to listen to it :lol:
Btw, do you have a book called "quick witty remarks for all occasions" lying next to you every time you comment on this forum?

i listen to everything. thats why im a walking music encyclopedia. however that doesnt mean i like everything. :loco:
erking at the noises that pass for guitar playing. the programmed drums, the vocals... god this is awful. why was i so curious that i actually had to listen to the song? damn

edit: Black Metal / Ambient / Experimental :lol:
the_drip said:
omfg...seriously he's really pulling the integrity of the entire into the gutter...he needs to be removed from this website completely before he turns it into a big joke.

So, is is he interviewing himself? Is it some sycophant friend? What the hell is going on? I agree about there being an impending credibilty problem here.
I feel very bad for the artist who designed his logo, who is legitimate, putting effort into such a farce. The artist's site is actually pretty good.
i posted in the unsigned spotlight section where his interview was but my post was deleted in like 10 seconds wtf?
Jon Snow said:
i posted in the unsigned spotlight section where his interview was but my post was deleted in like 10 seconds wtf?

It was smitten by satanic fury.

Although, honestly, I'm impressed whenever ANYONE puts out music by themselves. Even if the result is terrible, it's still a decent undertaking and it takes some courage to just let the masses hear it.....but unfortunately I don't think Mr. Oinkness will be changing the shape of black metal as we know it.
^off topic ban imo

Satanic Dirge > Dream Theatre

That's about the only good thing I'll say about it.
Man, this is so incredibly lame. The lead at the beginning os "Stages of Rapture" is soooo poorly played. Hehehh... mistake at 2:35