Uncle Junior I'm sorry....


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Seriously dude, I was just playing. I don't want you to leave, just heed peoples advice a little more, and don't be so quick to jump on people.

So officially I'm sorry!

Now here's to hoping you make a good contribution to the forum, and welcome!

Yeah before my thread was deleted I made a post saying I was just giving you a hard time and nobody really wants you to leave...
For the record, this is one reason people are giving you a hard time:


I think that's pretty self-explanatory...
It's okay guys, I didn't want anything like this to happen and I respect you all here because you know a lot, alot more than me about mixing and stuff...

I just want to learn stuff here on the forum...and about that guitar clipping thing...When I took my guitar to a tech http://www.ton.si/ he changed my EMG81 with new EMG81 pickups and it was still the same, he also changed the wiring, pots, output, battery... Then we tested it on a good studio soundcard and it still clipped, so I'm sorry if it defies every physics laws, but it really is the wood and the body of the guitar...

...and everyone who I insulted sorry again... I think this is the greatest forum and you guys kick some major music ass!!!:headbang:
Calling eachother douche bags on this forum is no different to having a laugh with friends during band practice or whatever. I haven't commented on any of your threads simply because I was hoping that one like this would come around and things would smooth over. With that said and out of the way, Welcome to the forum, douche bag!!! :headbang: