Underated song


Dec 16, 2002
If you had to pick just 1 Anthrax track which you feel is under-rated by your fellow Thraxers - what would it be and why???

Remember - 1 only, don't list 5 .........

For me - Discharge - from POT. Amazing thrash with Charlie performing fills like on no other song. His drumming here is truly incredible. Cool lead, amazing rhythm and Frankie's bass, and great vocals and melodies.

Why is this song not more often talked about people ????
skeletons in the closet-u want 2 hear drumming,check out this song.double bass for days.and discharge is 1 of my favorites from P.O.T i could name 1 from each cd but u only wanted 1 so there it is.lol
I don't think Anthrax have just only one under-rated song. But the first song that stroke me is Grunt & Click. It has a great groove, great versions, great chorus.
a lot of people say they stopped liking anthrax when white noise came out, but im young and that was when i started liking anthrax. their appearence on married with children really sold me too. i dont listen much anymore, but i probably have white noise ingrained on my brain. this is me messing up the thread by writing about an underrated album (at least as far as elitist thrash fans are concerned). sorry, i cant get into belladonas voice. at all.

somebody said something about how their releases from white noise should have launched them to metallica-fame. i agree. these songs rocked and were catchy. for me, there was no difference -- both bands owned MTV, and as a 13 yr old, that was all i noticed.