Underworld tickets available at ticketweb.co.uk


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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ok the title says all, £10 it saysplus booking and postage. oh, another question, on the opeth and katatonia sites it says Opeth and katatonia with support (god forbid), is that because (the most likely reason) god forbid and novembre are on different dates, or do katatonia get longer than the normal 30 mins set? i hope katatonia do, do a longer set, although i doubt it:confused: , and lets all shout for Brave (hopefully with Mikael on vocals), even though the band hate to play old stuff :mad:
if there is an extra show (due to high demand i presume, which means there probably wont be) i will have to go by myself :( , no one will come to both 3rd and 4th, and im not sure if i can be bothered to go to the 3rd Dec one. :mad: , so in conclusion DAMN!
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Damn indeed. Y will u have 2 go by urself? I'm not actually sure whether I can go now, parents getting in the way :mad: But I'm gonna do my best!

well 6 of us are going on the 4th. but a few work monday, and the others dont wanna and have other things planned. :mad: , and you gotta come, find some way, kill your parents...no you can't...the funeral might be on the 4th :p , hmn, so what your parents saying? why wont they let you? :confused:
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Well, London is quite a way, and I may well not b able 2 get back :confused: Wanky

wanky? wtf? anyway, cant you stay in a hotel or persons you know house or something? the gig will end at 11 (this always happens as the underworld is used for something else at 11 and so everyone has to be out) . find a way, murder someone.
Originally posted by _Transparent_

yeah, come on and join the fun, and maybe the chance of not one but two Opeth/Katatonia concerts. quick wipe your mouth, yyour drulling over the keyboard. :D

dam drullixg, xow i am ix trouble, i cax't use the /\/ key.
Originally posted by Graveless Soul
Seeing Opeth 3 times in 3 days, hmm, 2 London shows and then Bradford?? Hmm, I wish I could see them all.......

.......wait, I AM!!!!!!!!! :lol: :D

you lucky lucky bastard! :mad: , any special reason why? or are you a sick fanatic? btw, nice avatar Soul4Raziel
Originally posted by Graveless Soul
Seeing Opeth 3 times in 3 days, hmm, 2 London shows and then Bradford?? Hmm, I wish I could see them all.......

.......wait, I AM!!!!!!!!! :lol: :D

I'll kill you until you die from it! :D