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:lol: , but why stop at the legs? take it all. then we can sell our cds and buy new cds. and then sell them and buy back his arms, and then sell them if we get bored and buy more cds. the circle of cd life continues.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
:lol: , but why stop at the legs? take it all. then we can sell our cds and buy new cds. and then sell them and buy back his arms, and then sell them if we get bored and buy more cds. the circle of cd life continues.

I've heard heads are quite valuable :D Wikked! We shall copy hids cds, then sell them, enabling us to buy more which we can copy and then sell. If we only make a small loss on each cd, with the extra income provided by his body, this could last quite a while :D And we'll have lots of cds!
Originally posted by _Transparent_

you lucky lucky bastard! :mad: , any special reason why? or are you a sick fanatic? btw, nice avatar Soul4Raziel

Yes I am a sick fanatic and proud of it :)

You've been having quite a bit of fun while I've been away havn't you.

In a fight to the death between yous, who would win and claim my Opeth vinyl??
Originally posted by Graveless Soul

Yes I am a sick fanatic and proud of it :)

You've been having quite a bit of fun while I've been away havn't you.

In a fight to the death between yous, who would win and claim my Opeth vinyl??

when it comes to fights i dont have a great record, BUT ive never had a better reason to fight than for an opeth vinyl, so i would win i think :) :p although i actually think that we should all turn on you instead, yeah that sounds better :p
Originally posted by godisanathiest
I bet u sit there with the window open, arm out, headbanging to Opeth! Don't u?

Hahaha, many a time a discussion down the pub has reverted to driving down Romford high street with some extreme metal (Opeth or otherwise) emerging from the stereo.....if only I could drive...... ;)