
Looks very sleek and kind of reminds me of Lucas Arts a little (don't ask me why).

I think the logo in maybe a death or black metal style would be appropriate...j/k :loco:
or make it bigger again and add two tape head holes, for that vintage vibe :D

It would sure look cool, too, but I find that when you make it too_retro on purpose, it might look even old-fashioned. The cassette-thing is not something that would hold for a long time, and logos should not be changed all the time, that kind of counteracts the recognition-factor ;)

For example some band from Germany did the cassette-coverartwork for one of their albums; this is from 2001 and it was simple on purpose, and now it looks old and over.

Also Dan is not only blessed with being a living music legend, but he is developing his skills all the time, too, so a mix of something retro and something modern would fit, for example. :loco:

I like Unicorn´s idea a lot :) especially in the second version =) The font is current-looking and the recorder buttons are for the good old craft ;)
Nice logo, Unicorn! The second version is better than the first, althought I personally thinnk it would look better with some white space between the buttons, like this:


Sorry for meddling! ;)
Dan Swanö;7217117 said:
I have mixed 4 songs that sounds almost good enough. I still need to write the lyrics for 2 songs and there are still some guitarsolos to be recorded...BUT...Atleast the guitarist in question have been around my place recieved the backing tracks, and then he will work ou some amazing stuff at home...that is a break thru for me :) I hope the album will be released the spring of 2009. That would be nice.

Thanks for this update Dan, we are many who impatiently await the release of this album. Is there any chance you can try to describe how the songs are working out at this moment? I know you have been refering to Marillions Seasons End earlier, is that still something you would say defines the songs as they`ve worked out so far?

Happy for any answer ;)
Guys, I don't mean to piss on the bonfire but I reckon logo-wise, using a standard serif font like that is wasting the glorious potential the word UNISOUND has graphically, based on similar curves and recurring visual elements and all that shit.

I mean, look at it, it's a dream come true. You've got best buds U and N holding fucking hands together not once but TWICE, not to mention you've also got their favourite cousin-by-incest: S. It's just crying out loud for some loopy-loop love.

I'm not suggesting this as a replacement because I think it pretty much sucks too, but just to give an idea of what I mean:


See how those luscious curves flow gracefully into a puddle of pure sex! I think I need a bit of a lie down.

Then again, your mileage can and most definitely will vary wildly.
I'm not a fan, it's too pop culture.

You say that like it's a bad thing! ;)

Anyway chaps, I knocked that out faster than this morning's poo, it's not meant as a serious contender - it was just to illustrate my point about these letters being literally born to shag each other's brains out.

You could do it a hundred different ways, viz:


All I'm saying is that the name lends itself too well to this sort of skullduggery to waste it on a standard run of the mill common or garden font.

photoshop or something similar probably. not too difficult. 5 min tops. but I'm a fan of more... archaic stylings.

3 min with photoshop. not the best font or concept, but i'm more a fan of this kind of stuff (or the original one with the play buttons) than the more recent "modern" looking concepts.
3 minutes!? Dude, you typed it in and put a little fucking line under it. 30 seconds max :p

And you're missing the point - no matter how "artsy" the font is, what I've been trying to say is that using JUST A BASIC FONT (or just a basic font with a little fucking line under it) on this beautiful combination of letters is, like, total design blasphemy. It's not about trying to look modern, that's just my ultracool hipness showing through o_O
Thanks bat! (I hope you meant the actual second, and not the second from my second post ;))

It doesn't necessarily need to be all curves and holes either - using the same principle, you could also have more zzzzap and fizzzz than Flash Gordon at an eighties metal hairball:


Start with a font by all means - but then do something with it!