3 minutes!? Dude, you typed it in and put a little fucking line under it. 30 seconds max
And you're missing the point - no matter how "artsy" the font is, what I've been trying to say is that using JUST A BASIC FONT (or just a basic font with a little fucking line under it) on this beautiful combination of letters is, like, total design blasphemy. It's not about trying to look modern, that's just my ultracool hipness showing through
I counted loading time for PS, uploading it to imageshack, and editing my post. You don't have to turn into a douchebag just cause I'm downtalking your style bro. I'm just not a fan of the whole stylized, blend-the-letters-together motif. It's too pompous, the simple design on page 1 with the buttons and the improved version after it were excellent.3 minutes!? Dude, you typed it in and put a little fucking line under it. 30 seconds max
It's not about trying to look modern, that's just my ultracool hipness showing through
They exemplify Dan's style: clean, simple, no bullshit, and strong definition. You have to realize that graphic design is about more than just coming up with a novel arrangement of letters- they must also reflect the image and values of the things and people they're supposed to represent.
Ultimately though, this is all fairly pointless for me to present to you, because Dan's the guy in charge here. He'll pick whatever one he wants (or none of ours, which imo is probably better) and that'll be that.
You don't have to turn into a douchebag just cause I'm downtalking your style bro.
They exemplify Dan's style: clean, simple, no bullshit, and strong definition.