
I used Illustrator and Photoshop for that lot, but you can use virtually any image editor.

Just find a font you like, type out your text, fuck with it a bit, cut, copy, paste, boil, simmer and season to taste.

I find it helps if you scribble what you're aiming at on a piece of paper first - how very retro ;)
Hey Light, I meant the curved one with black background. Seriously good shit. I'm no good at things like photoshop and stuff, so I could never do something like that. Kudos bro.
Thanks - I was just trying to prove a point really.

On the off-chance that Dan wants to use any of mine, they're his for a packet of those weird gummy car sweets.

Otherwise, my work here is done :) Someone else should have another pop though!

3 minutes!? Dude, you typed it in and put a little fucking line under it. 30 seconds max :p

And you're missing the point - no matter how "artsy" the font is, what I've been trying to say is that using JUST A BASIC FONT (or just a basic font with a little fucking line under it) on this beautiful combination of letters is, like, total design blasphemy. It's not about trying to look modern, that's just my ultracool hipness showing through o_O

I agree that using a basic font is a bit lazy given the infinite possibilities for the logo but those buttons do give a certain distinction to the whole thing.
Anyway, I could give it a try if Dan hadn't already chosen Unicorn's logo.
Beesson, top notch, I think those are superb, especially #2. That's exactly the sort of thing I meant, but much more metal than mine :)
Thanks, I read your posts and thought you were right about the letters in "UNISOUND." The possibilities for that word are pretty much endless given all the cool fonts you can find on the internet.

I was hoping someone would pick up the metal "feel" I tried to give them. :headbang:
3 minutes!? Dude, you typed it in and put a little fucking line under it. 30 seconds max :p

It's not about trying to look modern, that's just my ultracool hipness showing through o_O
I counted loading time for PS, uploading it to imageshack, and editing my post. You don't have to turn into a douchebag just cause I'm downtalking your style bro. I'm just not a fan of the whole stylized, blend-the-letters-together motif. It's too pompous, the simple design on page 1 with the buttons and the improved version after it were excellent.

They exemplify Dan's style: clean, simple, no bullshit, and strong definition. You have to realize that graphic design is about more than just coming up with a novel arrangement of letters- they must also reflect the image and values of the things and people they're supposed to represent.

Ultimately though, this is all fairly pointless for me to present to you, because Dan's the guy in charge here. He'll pick whatever one he wants (or none of ours, which imo is probably better) and that'll be that.
I still like the one from the first page best. Also the oldschool-feeling to them fits well, and it looks somehow also lively =)

The new suggestions look good, true, but they don't have anything to do with Dan´s style or music (IMHO).
Thus I agree with some things that Kenneth said, including that of course Dan makes the final decision :)

They exemplify Dan's style: clean, simple, no bullshit, and strong definition. You have to realize that graphic design is about more than just coming up with a novel arrangement of letters- they must also reflect the image and values of the things and people they're supposed to represent.

Ultimately though, this is all fairly pointless for me to present to you, because Dan's the guy in charge here. He'll pick whatever one he wants (or none of ours, which imo is probably better) and that'll be that.
With all the fucken fonts available, you all choose shit ones? Hahaha... This took about 5 minutes to conjure up and they all beat yer feeble attempts at logos. And I can't even work Photoshop if my cock depended on it.









There. I win.

cool to see that this is such a "hot" topic. I will ask my webmaster what he thinks too. I like some of the stuff from Lord K really much. Thanx to all involved for their time!!
You don't have to turn into a douchebag just cause I'm downtalking your style bro.

I wasn't trying to be a....douchebag....mate - it appears K's presence in this thread has made me say "fuck" too much, I apologise ;) I just have a thing against "font logos" in general, that's all - they seem a bit "cheap".

They exemplify Dan's style: clean, simple, no bullshit, and strong definition.

Alternatively they look like something a six-year old knocked up in MS Paint (that goes for K's too, except add "seriously disturbed")... :heh:

Using an untweaked font is okay as part of a "corporate image" if you've got some kind of extra pictogram or other graphical element to go along with it - something to add a degree of uniqueness, individuality - to show that it wasn't just a case of "open editor, select font, type text - blam". I realise that this is the point behind the tape deck buttons on the original logo, but to me those just seem a bit.... Fisher Price....


Of course in the end it does all boil down to a simple question of taste... and I'm sure I have a distant memory of those tape decks tasting simply lovely...
Some from Lord K look pretty good, allthough they look a bit like from a hardcore band ;)
I don't like the logos that are hard to read, its a no-go in my opinion :)
Ok... my 5 cents

1th cent - My first beloved band from Dan was EoS
2th cent - When I was the guest of Dag in Finspang he showed me that rehearsal "hytta" of Eos. Now I have the strong associations between that barn and Dan
3th cent - Rock the night or Moon over Sverige
4th cent - Ohh please! no that loosy heavyblackdeathgoth fonts in the logo! who knows what fucker gonna do after 20 years.. soft country with female voice? we doing logo once and for all, right?
5th cent - sorry for my shitty english

and voila


PS: ..and yeah. about the logo on 1st page of thread. that thiny lines will be lost when designer gonna add the logo to the tray, buttons with all that Play, Stop etc will be looks like the one black dick with some white bugs on it. sorry, but true