
I used Illustrator and Photoshop for that lot, but you can use virtually any image editor.

Just find a font you like, type out your text, fuck with it a bit, cut, copy, paste, boil, simmer and season to taste.

I find it helps if you scribble what you're aiming at on a piece of paper first - how very retro ;)

I'll keep that in mind, cheers. I want to not be shit at art!
By the way, these are top quality images! I really like K's second last one
I love the sentiment behind ColdDarkNord's one, but I agree the logo is confusing - at first glance I see the wrong part of a panda.

The new suggestions look good, true, but they don't have anything to do with Dan´s style or music (IMHO).

But Dan, as far as I'm aware, can mix and master any style of music.

Whilst I personally like the "metal" styles, perhaps the logo should be more neutral. That's another problem with using fancy fonts - they invariably conjure up some form of association which isn't necessarily appropriate.

Of course the best way to avoid the font problem is not to use them at all - this, for instance, apart from the tagline, was done from scratch:


The waveform was a bit of an afterthought - it's a real one, but better would be if Dan recorded himself saying "UNISOUND" in his best scary voice, and then used the pattern from that ;)

EDIT: perhaps better like this:

Moderation in all things, young pobblewang - Lens Flare is the only true cardinal sin...

Such animosity is brewing in this thread. And what's this nonsense about lens flares??;)


But here's another serious try on my part. I suppose while we're going along with this "clean-cut" type look, I'll make something I wouldn't normally. I have nothing better to do really...either that or I'm just lazy.

But they're still just fonts, with thousands of similar offerings up for grabs for free on sites like abstractfonts.com, to name but one...

Dude, I'm not just flapping from my chuff-hole here, or claiming my examples as better than anyone else's*, but I do feel I can talk with a certain amount of authority on the pure basics of corporate vid because that's what's mostly bought my meals for over a decade now, shit.

In the end ALL forms of art are entirely subjective; I've seen obscene amounts of money change hands for what was effectively just a couple of little squiggles on a canvas - I personally find this stupid also, but at least those squiggles had the merit of being an original creation.

Computers have made everyone a designer these days, and I think that's great - the more creativity that's out there, the better. Your visual id is your front line to the world though, and as such - which is all I came here to say - deserves enough effort and attention spent to make it into something unique.

*(who am I kidding - they rule :heh:)
"LOL". I came here to offer advice, not seek approval - they were just quick sketches to illustrate a point. I don't have the time for anything more right now, and besides, it's difficult to be impressed by something you don't understand - I have the same problem with jazz...
You do this for a living and that's your work? Sorry man but I'm really not impressed. Don't take it the wrong way.

I'm sure Light wasn't showcasing the full potential of his abilities as a designer. These logos aren't exactly the most demanding or difficult things to conjure up or require any huge amount of skill. Everyone's submissions have been good so far, they're just different and I think the bickering is unnecessary. Let's just let Dan do the judging.
Not bickering man. I'm just saying that the guy toots his own horn so much, that the revelation that he's a graphic designer is a real lackluster climax. I'd like to see what he can REALLY do if these are just scribbles. I just look down on bragging.