
Christ's cock - "tooting my horn"? Is this one of those across-the-pond cultural differences or has someone had a basic sense of humour bypass? Any "bragging" was strictly tongue-in-cheek, I thought that much was obvious. My normal work would surely bore you to tears and has no place in this thread, it's gone off the rails enough already! Too much nattering, not enough art.

I thought this one:


...was rather nice - simple but effective, and if the stylized 'U' was developed a bit further it could be a real winner. Having the option of using a part of the logo as a sub-logo in itself is always a bonus, especially when dealing with small-scale print (CD inlays, etc...)
but at the same time, the drop shadow makes extraction from the background difficult. they'd have to make a transparent version as well, which takes literally seconds, but there would need to be two files. I'm serious by the way. Let's see what you can do.
but at the same time, the drop shadow makes extraction from the background difficult. they'd have to make a transparent version as well, which takes literally seconds, but there would need to be two files.


I'm serious by the way. Let's see what you can do.

I'm done here, you've already seen it:


- afraid that's it from me on this one; the fact that you don't like them is neither here nor there. Rough versions, yes - that's how it works when you first pitch a bunch of ideas. Looking at them again, I actually like the first one the best - that has the most potential for further development, but I never expected any of these to be picked in the first place - that wasn't the point, they were only intended to (and I use this word lightly) "inspire".

Why not put some of that energy into knocking up another shot of your own?
Cause I'm not claiming to be a graphic designer. I only contributed to show my interest in more gothic, medieval styling rather than futurism. If you really want me to put a serious effort into it, I suppose I could give it a go though. I still think Lord K's are the best.

About outerglow/drop shadow: I'd assumed you'd know this as a designer, but I guess I'll briefly explain: These transitional pixels between foreground (the text) and background (the background color of white or black in this case) make it difficult to port the logo to other background images or colors. One cannot cut around the text, because the transitional gradients are from white to black or black to white, respectively in the cases for glow and shadow, using the examples of the images you and others made. Instead, one would have to take the source PSD file and either create a new image with the new background desired or with a transparent background. Even with transparent backgrounds, the transitional regions are often a problem for color match-up, so the first method is usually more visually appealing. Also, outerglow and drop shadow, as one-click layerstyles, are often viewed as amateurish because they are so frequently used as-is. One simply selects the effect and applies it with no modification. The default settings for these effects tend to be over stated, as with most photoshop presets, and the result is something that appears to be done by a high school kid on lunch break in the computer lab.
Fucking LOL, man :) You tagged me as a "graphic designer", by the way - I merely claimed to be well-versed in the principles of corporate vid.

I can't work out whether you genuinely don't get it or you're just trying to get a rise out of me.

Only one of my samples used any form of effect, simply because sometimes shiny things fucking rock. Have you looked around the web lately? Take a gander at the banners and ads on the Nuclear Blast site, say - hell, look at most album covers too. A time and a place for everything, and if you open your eyes you'll see shadows, glows, reflections, extrusions, distortions and transparancies everywhere you turn....

...and all of this is beside the point. A good logo works on multiple levels, at varying sizes, and - preferably - to differing degrees of completion, eg. a design composed of both pictorial and textual elements can provide instant brand recognition using either alone. All the rest doesn't matter, whether you then make it glow, fade, paint it with a pyschedelic vomit tornado or make it bounce about the screen doing a kind of lindy hop.

You also seem to feel that once a design is done and dusted, the source files should be locked away in a vault and left there as sacred, only ever to be retrieved again after performing the necessary purification rituals and unholy invocations "when the stars are right". In reality your master PSD or EPS is a base template you'll return to as many times as you have applications for the logo - it's a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Also, you fancy Lord K.

But thanks for the giggles :)
...was rather nice - simple but effective, and if the stylized 'U' was developed a bit further it could be a real winner. Having the option of using a part of the logo as a sub-logo in itself is always a bonus, especially when dealing with small-scale print (CD inlays, etc...)

Glad you liked it! But Im not a illustrator pro so if Im going to mod that "U" it will look like shit. I dont have any ideas what to do with it either so :erk:

And I dont like Lord Ks stuff either.
I don't know if anyone remembers ProgPower UK, but Light got kicked out and then started a massive drama about it. So I just don't like him. That + the way he's pretending to be a graphic designer just annoys me. Sorry that I keep feeding the fire. People with superiority complexes always draw me in to knock them down.
I don't know if anyone remembers ProgPower UK, but Light got kicked out and then started a massive drama about it. So I just don't like him. That + the way he's pretending to be a graphic designer just annoys me. Sorry that I keep feeding the fire. People with superiority complexes always draw me in to knock them down.

Sweet.... mother.... of.... Christ.

So - haha! - let me get this straight - the main reason you're being such a (if you'll pardon the expression) pissy little worm in this thread, is actually to do with something which happened.... over TWO YEARS ago.... the full details and resolution of which, you know nothing about?

I really don't think I need to say any more :)

It's been fun though. Man, you're the best laugh I've had all week! :lol:
i don't remember anything, where should we read that? :p
The threshold forum, if rich and the others haven't already cleaned it up. The short version is Light is the kind of guy who acts like a prick, and then puts on a cute face and denies everything. I won't get into it because I'm not going to fuck up this thread any further. Suffice to say, he's unsavory and his holier than thou bullshit in this thread ticked me off.
Sir, you flatter me :) I'm absolutely certain that you - once again - don't really know what you're talking about, as that whole episode was taken offline and wrapped up in a more than satisfactory manner. However, feel free to continue digging your hole by all means, but I agree - definitely not in this thread.

Anyone got any more logos? We were on a roll there before, don't stop now....
The difference man, is that I don't claim to be any good at this. He does. Honestly, you're going to tell me that's "good"?

Light: I suppose your lawsuit threats and whiny piss drunk behaviour were indeed settled satisfactorily. Kudos. I also suppose your avatar is a shining example of your excellence in design?

I realize that people are going to pick on me for tearing you apart, it is a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Light: I suppose your lawsuit threats and whiny piss drunk behaviour were indeed settled satisfactorily. Kudos. I also suppose your avatar is a shining example of your excellence in design?

I realize that people are going to pick on me for tearing you apart, it is a dirty job but someone has to do it.

The thing is, people who make a sport out of knocking on others generally tend to do so in an attempt to cover up their own weakness. Hate to say it my friend, but you're not doing such a good job :erk:

Your obsession with that ProgPower thing is quite bizarre. It was a mistake which was (eventually) admitted to - if you're using that as a marker for my lack of good character, I'm afraid you're way off. Sniff elsewhere! :)

And I never once claimed my designs were great (wait - I did - once - in jest... if you missed that, you have some serious issues with empathy, dude). This is all supposed to be something fun and carefree that hopefully also somehow benefits Dan in the end nonetheless.

I'm not in the slightest bit angry or even pissed off... just amused, but also a little disappointed by now I guess.

Shush now, and let some others - hopefully! - contribute their work in peace.... this is no longer the time or the place.

edit: oh, and my avatar was drawn by a girl, you big silly :D