Upcoming Kayo Dot concerts

I'm right next to the merritt parkway and I have 30"... one of my friends is a mile or two north and has over 3 feet.
most of the roads here have a few inches of slush on them. my brother's driving on I-95 right now, and it's probably pretty bad right now, but saturday was the middle of the storm.
and being outside was kinda harsh. shovel, look away for twenty seconds in a 50 mph gust of wind, look back to see another inch of snow.
and in 20 minutes I had 3 inches of snow on my hair, and my head still felt warm!
I wonder if Measure of Consequence (a hardcore christian hardcore (!) band) are really homophobic? We were thinking of pretending to be a "gay band" just to see if they become noticably uncomfortable.

Though it'd really help to get a shirt with a big peen on it like the guy in Pansy Division.
Curly's COffee is a great venue! It's this little place w/ a capacity of maybe 35 people and ceiling tiles that buzz a lot. The best part is that no one in the area knows where it is.
(p.s. It's in a little shopping plaza just a bit before the Walmart)
(p.p.s. Weird thing is that when I mentioned you to one of the owners(?) as a local band I actually had some familiarity with she had no idea who you were a couple weeks ago)