Upcoming Kayo Dot concerts

avi said:
updated concert list!
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Drat. I noticed that the band is no longer looking to book a show in Columbus, OH. Lizard and I sent emails to the Wexner Center for the Arts trying to get you guys a show there (note to fidla, I'm not a promoter so don't even get on me about how to do it), but obviously it didn't work out. Also, I was reading The Lantern (OSU's newspaper) just now, and it had an article on the Wexner Center...
The man in charge of picking the artists to perform at the Wexner is Charles Helm, director of the performing arts. He travels a lot to see many different performances to get an idea of what to recruit for the Wexner.

"I pay attention to what is going on in all fields," he said. "I go to a lot of international festivals and maintain a relationship with the artists. We have a very good reputation here at the Wexner nationally so it is not a problem getting people to perform here."
Apparently he doesn't take any outside suggestions, or he would've read all the reviews of Choirs of the Eye I sent in an email to his assistant or whatever (who said they'd pass the information on) and got interested in the band and looked into them further. What a ripoff.
fidla said:
updated concert list!

updated concert list!updated concert list!
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Well, I do know of one show they will be playing here in Nashville on November 26th with my band Hobb's End, hopefully.
hello, billowofzeal!!

Biddinger did indeed try to help me, I was feeling guilty even though I had gone through lists of clubs in Columbus and sent out copious messages...I was really disappointed but I truly feel that with the white-collar nature of Columbus and OSU, that it would be a natural. I'm sorry it didn't work out.
But at least there's a show now in OH, just a skip from pittsburgh and a driveable day to chicago. Whoever set that up, good work

p.s. hopefully now the band is on the Wexner director's radar, for the future.