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That reminds me of all those ancient Rome movies where the Romans have British accents. :lol:

I don't mind it if there's consistency, but the previews of Valkyrie jumped between British and American accents every line. Hell, Tom Wilkinson (a British actor) was doing his fake American accent while Kenneth Branagh still had his normal British accent. The first time I saw a preview I thought they were American and British spies infiltrating the Nazis, not actual German soldiers until halfway through the minute long preview.


The numbers for this weekend came out. Paul Blart beat out Rise of the Lycans which got the series lowest opening weekend at 20.7 mil.

And Taken looks awesome but PG-13 is extremely lame for a movie that should have been made to be rated R.
People who would be talking in German, but instead are talking in English; SHOULD NOT talk with a German accent. I HATE when movies do that.

But all movies should be done in whatever is the native tongue,and with subtitles. Screw people's inability to read quickly.
Well, I finally was able to see Underworld - Rise of the Lycans. Overall, it was "fairly" entertaining, but nowhere near as good as the other two. I'll most likely buy it when it comes out on DVD, but I highly doubt that I'll watch it much.

I'll be watching the Wrestler and Doubt today when I get a chance to sit down and watch them. I have been wanting to see Doubt for a while now, and the wrestler, even though I am not a fan of wrestling, or sports for that matter, I do enjoy boxing/wrestling and other sports movies.
Anyone seen Slumdog Millionaire yet? Still gotta knock that one off the list.

I loved it and can get behind it winning best picture though there is plenty of derision towards it simply for the fact that Dark Knight didn't even get nominated. I walked out of the theater smiling which doesn't happen all to often even after having watched a comedy.
Probably going to see Defiance today. I can't wait, it really looks interesting!

A disappointing movie. Wasn't horrible. Just wasn't very good. It didn't get me into it enough. It didn't make me feel enough. Yet with the story that it is, you'd expect it would.
I'm kinda bummed that Let the Right One In is playing in a theater in Chattanooga the week AFTER I was up there for a convention. :erk:
I saw it here a few months ago and I'd have loved to see it again. :kickass:
--And this, coming from someone who sees movies very rarely on the big screen....
I'm kinda bummed that Let the Right One In is playing in a theater in Chattanooga the week AFTER I was up there for a convention. :erk:
I saw it here a few months ago and I'd have loved to see it again. :kickass:
--And this, coming from someone who sees movies very rarely on the big screen....

That's nice. Despite having an art house theater nearby, the movie was not playing anywhere near me so we watched it through other means. We'll pick it up on blu-ray when it gets released here.
You know about the US remake, right? Boy, is that probably going to suck. Anything that makes the original a great movie is going to be hard to replicate. I think they may just completely drop that one aspect of the story that is even easy to miss in the original. Otherwise I see them making the kids in their late teens played by 20-something actors which will be just as bad.
That's nice. Despite having an art house theater nearby, the movie was not playing anywhere near me so we watched it through other means.


We'll pick it up on blu-ray when it gets released here.
You know about the US remake, right? Boy, is that probably going to suck. Anything that makes the original a great movie is going to be hard to replicate. I think they may just completely drop that one aspect of the story that is even easy to miss in the original. Otherwise I see them making the kids in their late teens played by 20-something actors which will be just as bad.

The remake sounds dire. I think I know "that one aspect of the story" you're referring to....and yep, I'd bet $5 that Hollyweird will drop it. There are several aspects of the story as told in the book that I'd be shocked if Hollyweird actually kept.
Seen this week:

Slumdog Millionaire - loved it, and definitely think it deserved all the Oscar nominations!

Defiance - also great, but I wish it was up for more than just music. I cried a little (shhh!)

Taken - Liam Neeson kicking butt and taking names. He takes people out so fast it gets laughable. Really really fun movie!

New in Town - wtf? I have no idea why we watched this movie, but for what it's worth it wasn't terrible. It's also not interesting in the least. Formulaic.
Well, I finally was able to see Underworld - Rise of the Lycans.

Same here, although I liked it about as much as the other two. Unless someone particularly likes the characters played by Kate Beckinsale and Creed, I figure if you liked the others, you'll like this one.

I was glad that my hero Viktor got more screentime in it than he got in the other movies. I felt bad for him, how he struggled to protect his people and got double-crossed. He had to make some hard decisions near the end, decisions which you could tell pained him to make, but were completely necessary to keep the peace. At least we know he did not die at the end.
Finally saw The Wrestler and really enjoyed it! I think it helps to be a wrestling fan, though I know plenty of people who enjoyed the movie and aren't into wrestling. The poetic ending kinda shocked me for a few minutes, but in hindsight I'm glad it didn't end the way I was assuming it would. I'd actually watch this one again.

Also saw a few more Oscar nominees yesterday. Vicky Christina Barcelona (Penelope Cruz nominated for Best Supporting Actress) and Waltz With Bashir (nominated for Best Foreign Film).

I think Cruz actually did a pretty good job, as opposed to in years past. I avoided the movie for so long but it turned out to be a lot different than it appeared. "A sexy romantic comedy about two young girls who travel to Spain and encounter a man on his pursuit of a menage a trois." *groan* Turns out it wasn't totally sh*tty ala Road Trip meets American Pie in Europe. Still a stupid movie overall, but not as deplorable as I had assumed for months.

Waltz with Bashir is quite unique. I don't know if I liked it, but I certainly didn't hate it. It has a unique animation style which is undeniably amazing. The story could have been a little tighter and seemed to lose focus in the middle. If you have a chance to see this in the theater, I'd recommend it, but not above some of the others out there.

Going to see Push tonight! Can't wait!
Waltz with Bashir is an excellent movie. I agree the animation is incredible. It also provides awesome autiobiographical insight.

Push looks like junk. Though its receiving mixed reviews.

I think I'll see Coraline. I'll mostly watch it for the art style, and hope I get engrossed by the story along the way.
Push was actually pretty cool. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but it's nothing extraordinary. Haven't seen Coraline yet though I really want to! Also got a chance to catch Pink Panther 2. Suffice it to say, if you like Steve Martin, you'll like this movie. I found it unbearable at points, though a few times found myself giggling silly. I would have rather watched Coraline or He's Just Not That Into You.
Finally saw The Wrestler and really enjoyed it! The poetic ending kinda shocked me for a few minutes, but in hindsight I'm glad it didn't end the way I was assuming it would. I'd actually watch this one again.

Totally agree!!! The ending had me sitting in total shocked silence for 5 min..probably one of he best movies I have ever seen. A fantastic performance from Rourke. This is one movie that goes in my DVD library!!