Update + 1 More song posted on myspace.com/woodsofypres

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
Hello Woodspeople,

It's been a long time since an update here. Lots has happened, good and bad. There is good news however from Dan Hulse at the engineer's mixing chair. Though an exact release date will not be defined, he says that the new WOODS OF YPRES album "Woods III: Deepest Roots and Darkest Blues" will be mastered and pressed in October. All pre-orders will be shipped out immediately when the CDs arrive from factory. With any luck, the first people will be receiving their copy in the mail before snow hits the ground in most areas. Perfect timing, at least artistically, from the artist's point of view. May you always associate this album with the winter of 2007/2008.

There is one more brand new song posted on the Woods Myspace page that will be #9/15 on the album, titled: "Thrill of the Struggle". It's fast, cold and black, inspired by the highways of Northern Ontario and the unfortunate destinations they lead to. Feel the resentment. Go listen right now and spread the word around. We'd like to see the total plays for "Thrill..." to surpass 1000 in less than a couple days. www.myspace.com/woodsofypres

We hope you enjoy.

Keep spreading that fucking word: Woods. And thanks for all your undying support, through thick and thin. You guys are the real thing. :kickass:

David Gold & the Woods...
As I told Dave last night, the new song sounds fucking amazing, shame its tough to make out the vocal harmonies, though obviously that'll be taken care of with the better production. BRUTAL NORTH, BRING ME DOWN. If the rest of the songs on the album (especially if there's a long one) sound as good as the 4 I've heard, this just might be my favourite metal album of the year, and this has been most definitely my favourite year for new music, its been insane.
Holy shit, October!!! I don't think there's gonna be much snow in the Toronto area though, since it's been really hot these past few weeks in September, unlike last year.
So when's this expected to be done now? Mid-November? I gotta get my pre-order out, GUH