This album is going to be fucking brilliant, a pair of dudes as talented and creative as Jonas and Anders spending four years on a record, there's no way it won't kick absolute ass.
Actually, sometimes spending too much time on a record can throw some things off. Not always of course, but at times it can result in an album that doesn't "stick together" as well as an album written in a shorter amount of time (say 2 years or less). Or it can lose some of it's spontaneity as things are attempted to get worked and re-worked to death in the search of perfection and you end up chasing your own tail. But other times it can also mean an absolute masterpiece! Depends on how well they keep themselves in check. We'll find out someday how they did!
They've been having problems with inspiration and have even cancelled a couple of scheduled studio times to record a new album as a result. They said they want to have it 100% figured out this time before hitting a studio.
Why dont we just come up with semi-fake news, false press releases or just shitty rumours by ourselves, so that , at last, the band, annoyed by the whole "gossip" section will be forced to come out with the truth!

I'll start now:

I've read in a magazine that the band is currently searching for a for a keyboard player, and auditions are being held in this very moment
Steven Wilson will replace Jonas Renkse as vocalist in the popular swedish popgroup Katatonia. Jonas said in an interview that he have moved on and is starting a solo project named "Mörtgården". Mörtgården is Jonas Renkse playing classic Slovenian folksongs on a distorted banjo while growling. Some known people will also appear on the album. Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath) will appear on two of the songs playing a native american drum, Dan Swanö (All swedish metal albums ever made) will contribute with some triangle solos and armfarts. Jonas have rewritten the lyrics to the songs so they will fit a concept. The story is about an white little horse who likes to eat liquorice and sleep under little childrens beds, he did not reveal more about the concept during the interview.

The album concists of five songs.


1. The Little White Horse Goes To Town To Buy Some Liquorice And Some Animal Porn Magz (45:66)
2. The Horse Named Smokey Goes To Sleep Under The Little Kids Bed (99:21)
3. Anal Rape Time (1:22)
4. Wat? (215:25)
5. Smokey Strangle Himself With A Belt While Mastrubating (0:32)

To be released on Universal Records in late 2009.

Anyone else looking forward to this?