An original thread: Is Katatonia your favorite band?

Yes.....Katatonia is my favorite band......I have a passion for collecting Katatonia stuff.....i know more about Katatonia than any other band I can think of........but I tend not to listen to Katatonia on an extremely regular basis.......I like tons of different kinds of music(not rap-metal....or offspring though...jesus)..I tend to save Katatonia for special occasions....when the mood of a certain Katatonia alblum is needed to complete or enhance the feelings.......Katatonia is not a band I tend to rokk the fukk out to though.....accept when I am jammin in my car......I am usually very much in awe of them when I listen to when I saw them live....I couldnt do much but stand there and be blown away....

also right up there for me(right now)
murder by death
sigur ros
red house painters
Yes, Katatonia are my favourite band. They have been since 2001 when 'Last Fair Deal..' was released. I agree with the person who said it was between them and Anathema, as Anathema's last two albums have been great but nothing compared to 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' and 'Viva Emptiness' which puts Katatonia ahead for me.

While we're mentioning other bands, I'd say Saturnus, Novembre, and certain albums from Theatre of Tragedy, Tristania, My Dying Bride and Type O Negative are also up there as life changing musical events.

My other great love is black metal (see for my moderational duties). I experience transcendence from Emperor, Mayhem, Taake, Drudkh, Xasthur, Darkthrone, Dissection, Burzum etc.
Katatonia is my favourite band without doubt!

I like many other bands, but Katatonia fits perfectely with me, they have everything I want from a band and they have never disappointed me, from their first to their latest album, I love every song they did, both lyrically and musically!!!
i don't really have a favorite band per se, just a few bands that are at the top...
opeth, agalloch, xasthur, moonsorrow, borknagar, demilich, and of course katatonia...kinda interesting, each of those bands are really different, maybe that's why i can't really compare them
Fucking A, I'm glad to see Xasthur getting mentioned. He (not they -- it's only Malefic, ya know) is my favorite Cali bm band, without a doubt. My modest collection consists of:

A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Nocturnal Poisoning
The Funeral of Being
Suicide in Dark Serenity
Telepathic with the Deceased
(the godlike) TO VIOLATE THE OBLIVIOUS (I fucking LOVE this album, my friend and I play 'Screaming at Forgotten Fears' when we jam sometimes)
Xasthur/Nortt split
Xasthur/Leviathan split LP
Telepathic... LP
Telepathic... longsleeve shirt \m/ (someone tried to read the logo once... LOL)

I could swear that I'm forgetting something, but that's pretty much it. \m/ My second favorite Cali bm band would have been WEAKLING (RIP). Dead as Dreams is definitely one of the best bm albums ever.

Anyway, other bm that gets me off is EMPEROR (I found the original Century Media pressing of 'In the Nightside Eclipse' yesterday!!!), Immortal, Leviathan, Deathspell Omega, Bathory (I prefer the Viking metal stuff \m/), DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE (actually, probably my favorite bm band, and not just because it's Anders), etc.

Other favorite bands are: Opeth, Symphony X, Nevermore, Kamelot, Rhapsody (I don't give a fuck if they're cheesy or 'too symphonic'), Vintersorg, Asmegin (Hin Vordende Sod og Sø is amazing!), Anathema (that last album... so good), Agalloch (where the fuck did they go?), Soilwork (yeah yeah, the last album was disappointing, but this IS the band that produced A Predator's Portrait, and they've earned an eternal spot in my favorites), and a bunch of others. And I'm very pleased with my recently discovered Moonsorrow. This album (Suden Uni) is owning me.

Ah, yeah.

But Katatonia is definitely my 'collecting band' (but I think that Blind Guardian are beginning to become one, too).
yeah katatonia are one of my favorite bands, its kind of a tie with katatonia, opeth and dream theater being on the same level
@mantraschism: i just got the funeral of being :worship: ...moonsorrow are fucking epic, i have all their albums but i think "kivenkantaja" is the best; a little less obvious bathory-fellating, though i do love their earlier stuff :grin:
Only recently discovered Katatonia.Love Last Fair Deal Gone Down and recently purchased (through recommendations on this forum )Discouraged Ones.
I agree on the Xasthur comment...the best of the USBM scene.Nocturnal Poisoning is the best Black Metal release of the 21st century.I`m a big BM fan but also like Cult Of Luna and Radiohead
@Pharos: Have you listened to To Violate the Oblivious? That is THE Xasthur album, to me.

@chtulufdagn (sp?): Yeah! Xasthur has the best intros, too. My two favorites are the ones from Telepathic and To Violate. Telepathic...'s intro is just so fucked up and twisted, and To Violate...'s is just so nigthmarishly sorrowful.

I listened to Suden Uni several times today, and I did definitely hear that Bathory influence. The shouted vocals on the first track even sounded like Quorthon. I'm all up on my Viking/folk metal right now because I'm reading Heimskringla, Edda, and The Kalevala right now (the first two being by Snorre Sturlason), and it sets the perfect mood. \m/

I'm also listening to a lot of Strapping Young Lad lately. Good pissed off metal. Alien is a recent purchase.
I can say that Katatonia is the band that influenced my life most in the past eight years... But still, all I can say is I love all records from "Brave Murder Day". The earlier stuff is not my cup of tea!
It's the same with many other bands I generally like very much, among them Thyrfing - but I only like Valdr Galga and Vansinnesvisor.
The only two bands I worship each and every record are Anathema and Nevermore!