Your all-time favorite band/musician (or two)

This question is to easy for me. Vintersorg has been my favorite musician and band ever since I was 16 years old. His music inspires me in ways that I can't describe. His voice and music give me chills on a consistent basis. I would have the most difficult time with #2. It would probably be between Tenhi and Agalloch.
Im sorry but it is impossible to say, i like the good stuff like WINTERSUN, MOONSORROW, THERION, BLIND GUARDIAN, BATHORY. Looking forward to the new BORKNAGAR & VINTERSORG albums of course.
"Your all-time favorite band/musician (or two)", impossible to give a definitive answer, but I'd say:

Bob Marley and Ulver
First and foremost favorite bands are any/all projects of Mr. V - hands down!
But I would say:
1. Heavy Load
2. Lizzy Borden (especially, "Masters of Disguise" album)
3. Deep Purple
4. Keel
5. Jason Becker
6. Kane Roberts
7. Doro/Warlock
8. Lee Aaron
9. Blåkulla
10. November

Those would be my finalists, I would say. So many bands to choose from, but these are most likely the bands/artists that I respect the most. Of course, as I am told, I am backwards for metal. Hehe. I like The Ripper with Judas Priest, Andy with Helloween, new Pretty Wild, and I cannot stand Kiss, GNR, and Manowar and I like Ultima Thule. So take my selections seriously or laugh... most people do. Hehe.
Blonda svenska vikingar som är som stora hus
Får varenda jäntunge att gå i saligt brus
Och vill ni skydda flickorna så får ni köpa svärd
När blonda svenska vikingar är på upptäcktsfärd!

It's a song by Ultima Thule.