
Been a long while since an update... Just hoping everything is healing well Troy. I know these recoveries can be long and frustrating (my mother had carpal tunnel surgery and wasn't back up to speed for 4 months), but it is important to know people are still praying and pulling for you.
Hey my bro Kenneth, Spatch and all our Metal brothers and sisters.

It's been a slow process for Troy. He was able to make a fist 2 weeks ago and is starting to see a little strength in his arm. His outlook is to start picking up the Bass in July or Aug. depending on how everything is going around that time. He will slowly work his way back and this year is all about Troy healing. I don't want to write any ZH material until he feels strong enough to go out and play live so we can support the material written. Plus he's the other writer in ZH and just want him to do his thing when his brain is into it. So we're taking a break but when he's ready we'll jump into everything.

Troy wants me to thank you all for the support and wants you to know it's driving him crazy not being able to pick up the bass. He can't wait to get back to playing but knows it's in his best interest to wait and needs to let the numbness and swelling to dissipate.

Hope everyone is doing great and wish you all the best.


P.S. Today is my beautiful wifes B-Day and I just want to say Happy B-Day Christina....Much Love.
HI Jasun
Thanks for the update o good to hear Troy is making slow but steady progress. Please do not rush with this it is so important to get this right. I cannot imagine how frustrating this is for Troy and the band but getting this sorted will allow a proper tour in the future so best to think long term
Yeah, what he said^

I know it's tough as hell not being able to play. I tore up my hands in a skating accident a few years ago and I couldn't even lift my guitar for two months.
Echoing what's been said... I'm really glad to hear Troy is making progress. Healing can take time. I had to take an 8 month hiatus after damaging the tendons in my right arm (a car hit me while I was riding my bike) while I was in school. It was damn hard. Make sure he takes enough time to heal right and does the physical therapy to get the strength and dexterity back before he picks his bass up again.

stay metal my brothers
I really should check this forum more. But anyway, I'm really glad to see that he's making progress.

Again, all the best to you Troy.
Was going through all the bands that played progpower last year and when playing you guys' music, I realized I hadn't kept up to date with how things with Troy went! Though you had our well-wishes from just about everyone you guys partied with at the Castle, would've been nice of me if I had checked in here sooner than now.

That said, I'm glad that the surgery went well and I wish Troy good luck and a lot of strength in the recovery process. Like RonKFish said, make sure you do all your physical therapy and exercises properly before attempting anything, don't want you to end up in the same situation again or worse!

Take care and keep us up to date Jasun! I'll make sure to check here more often!
Hey I haven't been on the ZH forum lately and just wanted to check up on Troy's recovery. I hope he's doing well.

I'm back to hitting his instructional DVD hardcore. I don't want to make light of the situation, but since Troy has some down time right now I figured I can try to catch up to his bass skills a little bit :)
Hey my bro Zod!!

First off I want to say to all the Fathers out there Happy Fathers Day. My DAD RULES and I wish him a great Sunday.

The udate as of now is Troy's playing 10 minutes on some days and 30 minutes on other days. This week has been a tough week for him as he goes back and fourth with his decisions. It's been 7 months and it's going to take him awhile to get strong. You never know what you get week to week.

I have been writing.......Basically it's when I have an idea that could be a good part for ZH I track it. I haven't put anything together full song wise as I will wait on the arrangment process with my bro when he's ready to go. I have been writing other material and I'm very happy with it.

I wish you all the very best and hope you're all doing great.
