Urban Breed out of Bloodbound...


I Am My Nation
Oct 7, 2007
Allentown, PA

Well, that's really fucking unfortunate. Tabula Rasa was miles ahead of their previous work IMO, and I had high expectations for where they might go from there, especially with the underrated amazing vocals of Urban Breed. Unfortunately, given the choice of replacement, I see them probably wanting to return to their more predictable traditional/power metal roots.
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Prepare to feel the possible wrath of his wife that posts here, lmao
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Have you ever met Urban?
Yea, this BS about Urban suffering from LSS, that's exactly that, BS. Urban is one of the nicest musicians I have ever met, and actually remembers me every year, and comes to this festival as a fan, definitely not someone there just to get attention.
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. He was the only musician I spoke with at PPV that actually took the time to talk to me like a friend. He sat down next to me and we chatted for about 10 minutes, I'd never met him before and he had no reason to do so. It was really humbling. Almost everyone else just said "thanks" and moved along when I tried to say 'great show' or ask them any questions. Honestly that's all I expect out of most musicians anymore. Say thanks, shake my hand and move on, i'm happy. You don't have to be a dick.

Now if this post was about Henrik from Evergrey i'd totally be on board... but he was plastered. :Smug:
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Do you know Urban, or can you point to some examples of how he is a primadonna? Or are you just guessing (which rhymes with BS-ing), based on the fact that he has been in several bands over the past ten years?

I don't know of any musicians who have said the things you're saying here. I have met and hung out with the man several times, and he has always been a very nice guy, while in Tad Morose and afterward.
Does Urban have an evil twin that hangs out in London or something? :zombie:

Not even remotely in the same galaxy as my experiences with him.

(LOL'ing at the "you're gonna meet Shaye comments")
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Which Urban Breed are you talking about? Surely not the one that we all know. Be afraid Fire Breath, be very afraid.
Heh. I met both Urban and Shaye last year. Definitely an...interesting couple.

Urban seems to be a nice guy and it was cool hanging with him last year. Too bad he had another band fall through for him.

Urban and Shaye are two of my favorite people to see at ProgPower each year. :)

In fact, my friend Mallory met Urban for the first time last year and pretty much spazzed out, because she really likes Blood Bound. I don't think she's aware of this news. She's going to be a sad Mallory once she finds out.

And yeah...fear the Wrath of Shaye, Fire Breath...fear it and tremble.
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Quit smokin crack, Urban is cool as fuck and hangs out with everyone, your trippin...

Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Jävla Trams.....
Urban was awesome to me at PPV. We talked all during Pain of Salvation's set because I had no interest in seeing them. We talked hockey, kids, how the International Date Line can cause insanity if you cross it too many times. We talked about all kinds of shit for about an hour and a half. Urban was as cool to me as anyone could possibly be. Make sure you know someone first personally, FB, before ragging them. Especially here.