Urban Breed out of Bloodbound...

Ha ha ha....... Urban has never lacked an ego, but the guy is intelligent and is a great singer, so no fault there. However, I have found that he usually uses his "ego" in jest and is about as approachable and friendly as anyone I know. Working with him may be a different story as I have never done that, but if you listen to the different bands he was/is in, they certainly sound different than one another, so it would be difficult to say Urban has been twisting the arms of all of the members to create his own thing.
I have been in and out of enough bands to know there is going to be some personal and creative differences. Creative people want to create and it is a constant circumstance of compromise when you have creative people trying to work together. It is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes it is a situation not of good or bad, nor right or wrong but just differences of style and taste.

Just food for thought:

It's possible to be a helluva nice guy to your friends and your fans, but still be a royal pain in the ass to work with. Not saying he is or isn't, but everyone here is acting like: "Well he's nice to me! Can't be true!", but no one here has ever been in a band with him (to my knowledge).

Just something to think about.
Just food for thought:

It's possible to be a helluva nice guy to your friends and your fans, but still be a royal pain in the ass to work with. Not saying he is or isn't, but everyone here is acting like: "Well he's nice to me! Can't be true!", but no one here has ever been in a band with him (to my knowledge).

Just something to think about.

*points up to the post by PyramazeKeyboardist....
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

ROTFF :lol::lol::cry::lol::lol: you have no clue about Urban so why don;t you shut your pie hole!! Can;t wait until Shaye gets a hold of you!!! Very lucky to count her as a friend, but piss her off and OH BOY!!
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one. He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy. It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews. Whatever happened to his solo project? Maybe that will see the light of day now. Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!

Honestly, we're waiting to hear exactly how you know Urban.

hahahahahahaha, god, I love you guys. :kickass: I guess all of y'all have seen/heard/read me pissed off before. And to think my temper is SO much better than, say, 10 years ago.

Personally, Urban has never seemed like a "my-way-or-the-highway" sort of guy, although I could see him coming across that way to some people. We certainly would not get along if he were, as I am certainly that way myself oftentimes. There always seem to be 1 or 2 people who think so, anyway. I don't think that was the issue here, but I guess you'd have to ask Tomas and Fredrik about that. All I can say diplomatically is that they want to return to the sound on the first two albums, and Urban is 100% uninterested in that. Anyone who knows me even a little knows I never really cared for those two albums, so good riddance. Undiplomatically, well, I've expressed my opinion elsewhere.

I am glad Urban can concentrate on Trail of Murder--Daniel Olsson is far more talented a guitar player and songwriter than anyone in... er, many bands :heh:--and it sounds like Pyramaze is moving forward with the next album. Anyone who wants to bet that either ToM or Pyramaze will be "beaten" by anything Bloodbound puts out, you've got a taker right here.
Yeah this is bad but it seems Urban gets along with precisely no-one.
Not true. First of all, it's not bad for either party and my sister still likes me. ;)

He's definitely a lead singer syndrome sufferer! It's my way or the highway type of guy.
I don't want to do things I would be ashamed of. Unless I get paid handsomely. :D

It's ok if it's your band but he's always been the singer in and he seems very opinionated in interviews.
Where's the entertainment value in moderate and 100% diplomatic answers? :Smug:

Whatever happened to his solo project?
It's taking forever. Why? Because I don't want to pressure anyone to do things for me and I've got things to do for other people.
I tend to do those things first.

Maybe that will see the light of day now.
I have other, more pressing things, to tend to.

Or maybe he will rejoin Tads if they can put up with his prima donna-ish ways!
There's a perfectly pointless exercise. I already work with Daniel. There's no Daniel in Tad Morose anymore so explain to me why I would want to do that?

If we forget about all the other things... Ask yourself how many people have passed through Bloodbound. Maybe I drove them off..? :D

But to be fair... yes, I do occasionally play the primadonna card. It's fun, especially when done to manipulative and calculating people.

Don't worry. I don't hold your post against you.
Should we ever meet, remind me about your post and I'll buy you a beer, a glass of orange juice or similar. Just for making me smile.
(Woa, people... don't start slamming me!!! :) I can only take so much.)
and if you're interested I might share some inside stories. ;)
(They're not all that interesting but anyway...)

Have fun, and don't stop speculating. It's rather enjoyable.
I am glad Urban can concentrate on Trail of Murder--Daniel Olsson is far more talented a guitar player and songwriter than anyone in... er, many bands :heh:--and it sounds like Pyramaze is moving forward with the next album. Anyone who wants to bet that either ToM or Pyramaze will be "beaten" by anything Bloodbound puts out, you've got a taker right here.
Me too. Can't wait to hear some of that!

Urban always struck me as a dedicated professional, and yea, intense and passionate about the music he helps create. Not at all the same as prima donna, but can be perceived that way.

Do I get a beer now? :kickass:
Anyone who wants to bet that either ToM or Pyramaze will be "beaten" by anything Bloodbound puts out, you've got a taker right here.

If this was 2008, I would agree with you without a second thought. I thought the first two Bloodbound albums were fairly bland and boring, very cut-rate melodic power metal (albeit enjoyable to listen to). However, Tabula Rasa was a fucking MONSTER of an album, that had this greed aggression and edge to it that their older material certainly lacked. Frankly I thought it was very cool and refreshing to hear a band that would mix thrash riffs and melodic death metal-ish sections but keep their vocals entirely clean/melodic, and write songs that were very catchy. It's hard to describe, but I thought Tabula Rasa really captured something great musically.

But if that was never going to happen again with or without Urban in Bloodbound, than good riddance. I don't need/want another album like the first two Bloodbound records, but I would've very much enjoyed another record that was along the lines of what they were doing on the last one. I am sure the Pyramaze album is going to rule, I have no reason to believe it won't, but that doesn't mean I didn't WANT more quality music from Bloodbound.

Oh well. Oh yes, and thanks to Urban for that post above - really shows that you are a class-act sort of guy, at least in terms of public relations. I'm sure you would never remember, but I met you when Tad Morose opened for Edguy in New York City in September 2004, I was only 14 at the time. I had a picture I took with you somewhere, but I think it's unfortunately long gone by now.
Although he doesn't share my love for Manowar, he seemed like a good dude a couple of years ago when I met him at, of all places, the Georgia Renaissance Fair. Didn't come across as egotistical to me or my wife.
Dangit. Y'all defused the thread! I was preparing to read some astonishingly volcanic replies after I got midway through! :lol:

I know a lot of people in bands.

Most of them are cool in person.

Urban is in the top 5% of those.

I'm bucking for a free Diet Coke.

(But really, Urban is one of the nicest, most self-effacing muzos I've ever met.)

--Make that a 2-liter. :lol:
Urban, can I have a free drink too? I want a glass of milk!

...and maybe some cookies, too.

In fact, I think Urban should just bring milk and cookies for everyone during ProgPower. Doing anything less means he's a tempramental diva. :lol:
It would be great to tour with Urban. On the bus ride you could spread out multiple board games, and just keep them going the whole tour.

I'm a fan of the Bloodbound stuff, but I always thought Urban returned as a paid singer (if you want him to show you pay him for that show). Basically a session musician. I think he's more of a band member in Pyramaze.
Damn i got a right royal rogering didn't I!! Look i didn't mean to cause any offense at all. I take it all back. Obviously I've never met him I'm just going by hearsay on the net. I am not the first person ever to say that about Mr. Breed right or wrong. I didn't make up out of the blue that urban is a little difficult to get along with musically. Anyway Urban you are a legend of the mic and Bloodbound will be poorer without you. I remember seeing the Tads at the Underworld a few years ago when you guys played to about 50 people tops and you still put on a great show, i don't know if you remember that show. Anyway I've been firmly put in my place haven't I. Shutting the fuck up now...