Urban Breed out of Bloodbound...

I wonder which other musicians we can insult next, so that THEY can buy us all beers? :lol: I wonder if Jon Oliva's going to be there? Zak Stevens? Jon Drenning?
To summarize:
One person who has never worked with Urban said he's hard to work with.
Many people say Urban is a nice guy, but have never worked with him.
One person who has worked with him, says he isn't hard to work with.
Urban says he's a nice guy unless he doesn't want him to be.

Why does this thread exist?
To summarize:
One person who has never worked with Urban said he's hard to work with.
Many people say Urban is a nice guy, but have never worked with him.
One person who has worked with him, says he isn't hard to work with.
Urban says he's a nice guy unless he doesn't want him to be.

Why does this thread exist?
Because as useful as internet forums are, people can resist using them for silly debates and inane conversations, but, hey, dissect the conversations you have face to face and they are often not much better - though perhaps more honest.
Yea, this BS about Urban suffering from LSS, that's exactly that, BS. Urban is one of the nicest musicians I have ever met, and actually remembers me every year, and comes to this festival as a fan, definitely not someone there just to get attention.


Urban is always very cool, very approachable, and totally likeable. I wish him the best of luck and good fortune in his musical pursuits!
I don't know how he is when making music, but I know he's a pain in the butt to deal with when playing Advanced Civ ;). I had to find 7 AC noobs this past weekend so I could finally win a game!

Is that the totally unintelligible game we tried to play that one time where setting up the board and the rules took like two hours???? hahahaha